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Dream huffed.. leaning back as his arms were tied behind him...
"Stupid." He mumbled quietly.. trying to move his wrists.

How could he possibly get stuc-

"Quiet." One of the individuals hit Dream on the side of the head.. cutting his thoughts off.
"We need to stay silent now." He pointed at Dream.
"The others will be back soon."

Dream muffled briefly.. glaring back at the random..Tch... what a fucking joke..
"Tch.." he scrunched his nose- he wanted to punch the individual but he could not.

"No one is coming for you.. so don't get your hopes up." They pat the top of dreams head.. causing him to get more annoyed.
"You're just some.. extra thing that's gonna make me money~"

Dreams gaze softened.... Will George find him...? Or even look for him.. does he even know he's gone?

His gaze sorrowed.. feeling- upset.. he didn't want to be sold.. not again.

Dream glanced around.. why was he even taken to begin with?! He's not even the rich one! He's just some homeless guy that George picked up.. and some how caught feelings for.

He tried looking around for any sharp objects.. he needs to get out of here.. and find George- and pray he doesn't get mad.

Dream wants to get back.. he's wants to find George again.. he needs to go back.... Or he will be a servant again

But Because if he gets lost in teyvat... there's a low chance of finding George again-'t or find any of his friends again.

Dreams gaze sorrowed.. quickly trying to find his way out of these restraints- maybe if his vision actually fucking worked!
"Tch.." he grumbled.
"Stupid vision-"

"Quiet!" They hit dream on top of his head again.

"OW! WILL YOU STOP HITTING ME?!" Dream loudly snapped, looking over at the stranger.
"CHRI-" he was cut off.

He was hit again on the head.

"Quiet!"They snapped, furrowing his brows.
"Don't be so loud!" They glared at dream.

Dream was about to let out another huff- but was cut off when the carriage began to move... making him jump-


Dream quickly looked around in a panic.. he needs to get the carriage too stop..
"Nonono.." he looked down at the wheel.. how will he stop moving?!

But before he was about to speak- he jumped when he saw and arrow hit into the.. wheel? Tire...? Whatever it was- it soon began to freeze and stop the carriage from moving.

Dreams eyes widened when the wheel began to freeze... stopping the carriage from moving.
"What the fuck?!" He looked up.. seeing the familiar holding a bow towards the carriage.

He quickly smiled- George did come for him! He found him!

"Fucking Christ." The treasure hoarder grabbed dreams shoulder.. holding him down.
"Of course an adventurer, they just can't mind there business!" He grumbled.

"He's not an adventurer!" Dream snapped, pulling his shoulder away.
"He works with the fatui! And so do I!" He scrunched his nose... maybe.. a mere threat..? Will help him.

The treasure hoarders eyes widened, soon looking over at George then at Dream.
"W-wait-" he soon realized his mistake.
"You- work with.. him?"

"Yeah?!" Dream snapped, tugging his arms,
"Asshole-" he cut himself off when he saw the treasure hoarder run away.


Dream grew confused.. watching the treasure hoarder soon begin to scatter away.
"What?" Why was he so scared..?

.: quick George POV :.

George aimed his arrow.. making sure they weren't going to hurt Dream- he wasn't going to hurt him.
"I swear.. if those treasure hoarders hurt him." He kept his gaze focused on the one near Dream.
"They are going to pay."

He was about to shoot.. but stopped... he can't kill them- not near Dream at least.. then Dream would get upset.

"Hm..." George adjusted his aim.. looking at the man.. maybe he should go get Dream himself and just shoo the other person away.

.: george and Dream POV :.

Dream watched as the treasure hoarder ran away.
"What the hell..?" Why were they so scared of the fatui..?
"Did I scare them that much..?"

He was extremely puzzled.. he was just trying to be scary- but not that scary- was he that scary himself?

Because George wasn't that scary-

Dream cocked a brow.. but as he was about to adjust himself- he felt a hand on his shoulder... making him jump.
"What?!" He turned.. seeing the brunette.

George happily smiled.. cupping dreams cheeks.
"Are you alright..? Sorry I tried to get you as fast as possible.." he soon had a worried look.
"I saw you were getting followed."

Dream just happily smiled.. he was glad George was here.
"Mhm! I'm okay!" He had a happy look.
"They didn't hurt me, I scared them away."

"Good job scaring them away."
George quickly untied dreams arms- having a happy hum.
"There treasure hoarders.. they do anything for money." He ruffled dreams hair.
"Even.. kidnapping."

"Well- I appreciate you saving me." Dream felt happy that George came to save him..
"I appreciate it a lot actually." He nodded.

"Well I can't let you get hurt or taken." George cupped dreams cheeks once more.
"I love your dumb face too much." He happily smiled.

"I have that affect on people." Dream happily smiled.. nodding his head again- muffling a tad bit.

"I am extremely glad you are okay." George carefully helped dream up.. glancing over at the running treasure hoarder running away.
"Cmon.. it's time for us to go." He turned dreams back towards the treasure hoarders.
"Just head back towards the path."

Dream nodded his head.. soon walking in the opposite direction of the treasure hoarder.
"Yeah- that was my plan." He hummed.

Whilst Dream has his back turned.. George turned around.. pulling out his bow before aimed his arrow silently as the man.

George furrowed his gaze.. this is what you deserve- no one hurts his friends and lover.
"...freeze the heart of those unworthy" he mumbled before he shot the arrow.. watching it empale him in the back..

He had a satisfying hum as he watched man fall over.. collapsing on the ground firmly.

George smirked faintly.. good.

"Everything alright..?" Dream briefly glanced over at George.
"Did you say something..?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Nope, I'm alright" George quickly looked back at Dream.. quickly following the blonde.
"Perfectly fine." He nodded his head.
"Couldn't be any better now."

Dream happily smiled.

"Now, let's go for a walk"

Total word count: 1087

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuWhere stories live. Discover now