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George placed his hand on his chest, using magic to help change his clothes.. to a more easier outfit to dance in.. something nice.
"Mm.. this is nice."

A small tail coat jacket with thin pants.. a nice grey light blue tone with small engravings all along the coat and side of the pants.

George took a step on the water, soon easily walking on it.
"It's been awhile since I've dance on water." He swayed his hands side to side.
"A few years maybe."

Dream stared.. how the fuck- was he supposed to get on the water- he's not so.. great with magic.. or whatever it was.

"Are you coming..?" George turned around.. having a few scales on his cheek as he whipped his tail around.

Dream watched as George's tail soon changed into a scaly like tail... a serpents tail almost.
"I.." he was speechless.
"I don't know how..."

George turned around, resting his hands on his hips.
"Try and think you are walking on something." He nudged his head.
"It seems scary but it's simple."

Dream stared at the water as he stood up... making his way over.
"Okay.." he whispered quietly.

He closed his eyes as he took a step.. soon feeling something firm under his foot.

Dreams eyes widened as he looked down, seeing a lily pad..
"Oh wow.." his eyes widened.. that's amazing
"That is easy."

He took another step.. causing another lil pad to form right underneath his foot

"Wo-AH-" dream quickly began to sway as he balanced.. well trying to balance.
"SHIT-" he began to stumbled around.. waving his arms around trying to balance.

George watched as Dream tried to balancing- stumbling towards him in a hurry.
"Jesus.." he couldn't help but smile.

Dream eventually made his way towards George- still trying to balance.
"SHIT SHIT-" he yelped once more.

George softly grasped him arms, balancing him by his arms.
"It takes time getting used too." He smiled.
"Calm down."

"How..." Dream struggled to stand, his legs feeling they are about to buckle in the water.

"You'll see.." George grasped dreams hands, holding him up...
"You need to learn to be a dendro dragon." He smiled happily.
"At least you need to learn about your powers."

Dream nearly slipped but was stopped when George froze beneath there feet..

"Here.. it should be easier to stand." George kept Dream standing, making sure he wouldn't fall.
"Just don't slip on the ice." He shook his head.

Dream gained himself.. standing up straight.
"Jesus-" he laughed softly.
"Sorry - I'm not used to this-"

"No one is, you don't have to apologize." George rested his hands on dreams shoulder.
"It's not slippery ice, you should be able to walk without falling."

Dream took a small step forward, surprisingly it wasn't slippery..

George pulled himself closer to dream, his tail happily swaying side to side against the ice.

"You are gonna scrape your scales off! Calm down!" Dream smiled, resting his hands on George's waist.
"I don't want you to hurt yourself with your tail wagging."

"I'm fine, my scales are strong." George rolled his eyes, holding himself close to dreams chest.
"I'm happy to be with you.." he whispered quietly.

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuWhere stories live. Discover now