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Dream sat on the bridge, staring at the water below.... He wanted out of here.
"God." He mumbled...

It made in feel a tad bit sad after hearing those words from his.. friend.

The blonde followed after Sapnap... there was a reason Sapnap brought him out here.

"Isn't it nice here." Sapnap hummed, leaning against the bridge wall.
"Nice an refreshi-" he was cut off.

"No." Dream said semi firmly.
"It's not nice here." He continued to stare off.
"It's fucking awful."

Sapnap rolled his eyes, looking at Dream.
"It's not that ba-" he was cut off.

"It's terrible! I don't wanna be in this Damn place! I wanna be somewhere where people actually want to be my friend and not treat me like shit in this town!" Dream took in a deep breath, snapping lightly.
"That's why im going with George... he's at least nice to me."

Sapnap blinked in confusion.
"George is a bad person Dream." He said somewhat firmly.
"Don't trust him."

"Like you're any better.... You use me to steal things so you're not caught." Dream scoffed, making his way back on the ground.
"So I don't care if George is a bad person....At least he pretends to care."

Sapnaps eyes widened as his gaze dropped.

"I don't care if you're coming with me or not... I'm going with George and leaving this place.." Dream turned his back to walk away, leaving Sapnap behind.
"I'll be at great hunter eating..." he mumbled.

Sapnap stood there speechless... he didn't know what to say.

.:Dream POV:.

Dream walked towards the entrance, frowning as he made his way into the city.
"God." He sighed, walking up the stairs towards the fountain.
"I hate it here."

He just wanted somewhere to belong- not having to deal with these kinds of things.. scavenging for food and what not- he just wanted to be happy.

Whilst Dream made his way to great hunter- he noticed the familiar.

George was standing there with a drink in his hand, talking to another.

"Oh- fuck-" Dream perked up- but realized George was working.
"Right- I shouldn't disturb hi-" he was cut off as he turned around.

"Oh! Dream!"

Dream jumped, glancing back.
"Oh- Hi!" He awkwardly smiled.
"Sorry- I didn't mean to intrude on your work."

"Oh nono- I finished my work a few minutes ago- I got what I needed." George waved his hand.
"I'm talking to the person that's going to be travelling with us." He turned to the individual.
"Dream, This is Karl."

Dream looked at Karl.
"Hello.." he waved, smiling faintly.
"I'm Dream-"

"Oh I know!" Karl quickly held his hand out.
"George has said a lot about you!" He smiled.

"Oh- I'm.. glad-" Dream didn't like the sound of that as he shook Karl's hand.
"I'll be around if you need me." He nudged his head.

George soon had a somewhat concerned look.
"Are you alright..? You seem down...?" He tilted his head.

Dream was a little shocked when George said that.. no one's ever asked if he's okay..
"Just.. tired I guess-" he rubbed the back of his head.
"We did get up early.."

"Then how about I get us some food, that might help give you energy." George nudged his head towards a table.
"Over here is a free table, food is on me."

.: At blades end we meet :. Dnf Genshin AuWhere stories live. Discover now