6.58 Game Over - Unreachable

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The pad had gotten a little bit thicker. But then I saw my panties had a small wet spot on it. I mean I had been running while I was peeing myself and those pads don't feature barriers, but it was also possible I had just peed on it when pulling my panties down. It was only a few drops so I guessed it was okay. Mom tried to wipe them dry anyway ^^ So we just went further our way home. I was lucky to face no further challenges so I just peed about every ten minutes and one time didn't even leak one drop into the pad ^^ I was proud and we stayed in good spirits all the way back until we reached our driveway. The spot where Mack's parents car normally parked was still empty and the house also looked deserted. This hit me right in the gut and I slouched my shoulders. I had no idea what had happened to him, but somehow I was scared for his life! I must have shown.

"Hun, what's wrong?"

"He's still not home, Mom..."


"I got such a bad feeling..."

"Oh, I see. But if you feel so bad about it...maybe you should just call him on his phone then", Mom suggested and I immediately took out my phone. I hadn't thought about it because Mack himself had told me that his parents might collect his phone and thus could be reading my messages and that I should be careful when contacting him. But this was a whole different story. I was worried about him and maybe also his parents, so calling him was a great idea. I could've kissed Mom for that one, but I didn't want to lose any time. With shaky hands I picked his contact and hit the phone symbol. Mom eyed me suspiciously while I was waiting for an answer. Suddenly a computer voice told me that he's unreachable and that I shall leave him a message. Tears started blurring my vision and when wiping them away I noticed that my dizziness also had become way worse.

"What?...I...MAAAAACK!", I screamed frantically and then everything went black for a moment. I felt like I was falling when I suddenly hit something soft. Then I noticed something was dragging on me. My vision returned and the dizziness slowly faded away. I couldn't figure out what I was seeing, though.

"Honey? Honey? Can you hear me?", I heard Mom ask from what sounded like a far distance.

"I'm here, Mom", I quickly answered her and tried to figure out my position. I felt the ground with my feet and then tried to stand straight up.

"No, no, hun...careful...I got you", I heard Mom say who was seemingly much closer now. I lifted my head off the soft surface and saw I had been leaning on Mom's bust.

"I'm okay, I can walk", I heard myself say before losing balance again. Mom caught me quickly and carried me inside.

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