8.70 Game On - Terribly Uncomfortable

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The sweatpants were big and comfortable, but couldn't fully cover the diapers all the way up, because the big diaper and the plastic pants reached too high. I eagerly pulled my shirt over it, but it only just fit.

"I'll need a longer shirt. Do you have one of these too?", I asked Mom, but she just shook her head.

"Not here at the moment, but there could be one in the trunk"

She took her bag and we moved towards the exit. There was a loud crinkling noise, that the sweatpants didn't muffle. This made me hesitate, but Mom quickly took my hand and we left the restroom. The old lady waved at us. Walking was a bit harder with my big diaper package between the legs, but the car wasn't far anyway. Outside we went around the corner only to notice the mean girl in the bushes. There was a pile of shit next to her, that she must have dropped from her panties. She was trying to clean her poop-stained bum with leaves, when she saw us. The girl pulled her almost empty panties back up, covered them with her skirt and ran to a car, that was standing next to a gas pump. A woman about the age of my Mom gestured towards her, before making the girl quickly sit down on the backseat. The girl looked terribly uncomfortable, when her parents started the car and drove off.

Mom hadn't noticed it and just brought me to our car. The rustling of my diapers got us a few looks, but none of them pointed at me or anything. I wanted to get on the passenger's seat, when I saw the big urine stain.

"Do we have a bin liner in the trunk?", I asked inconsiderately, when Mom suddenly slapped me in the face and dragged me to the back seat door. I felt my sweatpants slide down a bit and thus tried to grab the waistband for the rescue, when Mom slapped my hands away. The jolt caused the pants to slide down to my knees. I suddenly saw the blue diaper in my crotch and began squirming. A few people stared at me and two of them even came closer.

"Stop it! You deserve this for ruining the car seat!", Mom shouted at me, earning us more looks. A woman shook her head, but her eyes didn't go my way anymore, but towards the passenger's door, where the obviously soaked car seat was.

"I'm sorry! I am sorry! Please stop, Mommy!", I begged her and she sat me on the back seat like a small child and kissed my forehead.

"Then please be good now, hun"

"I will!", I promised and Mom finally closed my door. Then she looked at the wet seat, closed that door as well and went to the shop. Meanwhile I quickly pulled my pants back up.

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