7.22 Grinding - Squall Awoke

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When I woke up I did it with an urge to get up and enjoy the day. The weather was great and somehow I wasn't too upset anymore about my accident from the day before. I quickly left my room and ran down the stairs. To my surprise Dad welcomed me.

"Hey kiddo, slow down"



"You're already back from Seattle?", I asked dumb-founded because he had still been in Seattle like 24 hours ago and wasn't meant to come home this weekend.

"Seems so"

"Did something go wrong?"

"Don't worry, I still go my job", he winked and patted me on the bum. The sound was that of a diaper.

"Oh...no...I...", I stammered and then tried to quickly get away before he took a closer look at it, but he held me back.

"Don't worry, kiddo. Mom already told me everything about your 'special wear'", he explained and emphasized the last two words.


"But of course. Don't make such a face. There's nothing to worry about", Dad winked and patted my diapered bum again. I carefully lowered my guard.

"So it's okay for you?"

"What's wrong with you, kiddo? Ease up a bit. Mom and I want to get downtown so please get dressed"

"Before breakfast?"

"You just slept too long. But I promise you'll get something to eat really soon", he returned and pushed me up the stairs. Obviously there wasn't even time for a diaper change, so I just filled my diaper with pee while I browsed through my clothes. Since the padding had gotten a bit bulgy I decided against pants. So I put on a big white pair of panties to mute the crinkling noise a bit and then threw over a yellow summer dress. One look in the mirror confirmed that it indeed covered the diaper bulge. Then I went downstairs again where my parents had already been waiting for me. When I climbed the back seat of our car there was a cute little backpack on the other seat.

"What's this?", I asked curiously.

"Nothing, ignore it", Mom returned and Dad steered the car out of the drive way. After a few minutes I noticed we weren't driving towards downtown at all.

"Where are we going? I thought we'd get downtown"

"I told you Mom and I were going downtown"

"What? But what about me?"

"We'll drop you off. We couldn't just leave you home alone, hun, right?", Mom added and I felt like I had missed something. Why didn't they want to leave me at home? But then I had an idea. Maybe they wanted to surprise me and drop me off at Jenny's house. The direction would've fit. But then suddenly the drive ended. Dad stopped the car and both got out. I curiously looked out the windows. It was a bystreet with a bunch of houses. Before I could read any signs Dad already signaled me to leave the car. Mom opened the other door and took the tiny backpack. Suddenly I noticed that there were people everywhere on the sidewalks. Out of nowhere a squall arose and caught my dress.

"Hey, the girl is wearing a diaper!", a boy behind me whispered.

"And it's wet!", another boy added and both began to giggle. Unfortunately it took me a few seconds to regain control of my skirt. When I turned around two boys pointed at me. I instantly blushed.

"You're a baby!"

"I bet she also wets the bed", the other one added and didn't stop staring and pointing at me. Other people noticed.

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