6.66 Game Over - Wobbly Legs

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I once again woke up and just by rolling over to my other side I could tell the diaper had become quite heavy. I opened my eyes and noticed that it was already bright outside. I became curious and rolled out of my bed. I was still a bit on wobbly legs because I wasn't fully awake, but I wanted to take a look outside. When I shoved the curtain aside the brightness immediately blinded me. It took a while until I got used to the light and managed to make out forms. I looked over to Mack's house and their car parked in the driveway. This relieved me to the point where I started wetting my diaper further. The liquid just streamed out of my body with a hissing sound while I looked at the other house of our neighborhood. I looked down at the bulge on my purple shorts and totally expected it to leak through. However that didn't happen. When the flow stopped after a few seconds everything was still fine. Maybe the bulge had gotten bigger, but I couldn't tell. I grabbed my bum and felt no wetness either. These diapers were incredible! I felt the diaper bulge on the front of my shorts and it didn't even feel wet on the inside when I pressed against it. But I could tell it had become heavy and thick. As happy as I was that the diaper had done such a great job I felt also embarrassed standing there in my pissed protective underwear like a toddler looking at all these adult people who I eventually wanted to be a part of. That thought hurt. All the energy I had regained through sleeping went away again and I felt like hiding away under my blanket. I looked at the clock and it said it was 8 AM. Normally Mom would've been up by that time, but since she went to bed a lot later because of me she must have been still sleeping or at least I hadn't heard a single sound from the house, yet. I thought about going to her bedroom, but then decided I didn't want to bother her even more than I already had. So there was indeed nothing more left than going back to bed and hiding under my blanket ^^ Also, Mom wanted me to sleep another 4 hours anyway. So I just crawled in my bed and closed my eyes again. I felt the warm diaper between my legs again. It was so thick that I couldn't really close my legs when lying on my side. I had to straighten one of my legs so I would even be able to sleep again. But after so many hours already I wasn't sure if that could even work in the first place. But the exhaustion had been so bad that I could still feel it in my joints. It didn't take long until the fatigue overcame me again and I doze off.

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