8.52 Game On - Bewildered

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Mr. Williams eventually brought me to my class and told our teacher, I had helped him with his books. The man was too kind to me. I could only hope, he wouldn't get into too much trouble for being late for me. However I was ^^

"What took you so long? Gotten suspended or what?", Jenny asked accusingly.

"No, we just chatted a bit and forgot about the time. I'm sorry I made you wait"

"And what about Dave? He was still there, when I left. Tell me the truth!"

"He kissed me", I returned chuckling, but her reaction got me thinking. She didn't laugh right away, but stared at me bewildered for a moment. It had never even crossed my mind, that she might also have a crush on Dave.

"Wow, what? Tell me about", she eventually said and forced a smile.

"It's not what you might think it is"


"No, it was more that he was doing me a favor", I explained to which she finally showed her true colors.

"Then I want him to do me a favor as well!", she complained disappointedly and looked over to him. I wanted to clear that up.

"You got a crush on him?"

"And so do you..."

"How'd you know?"

"The power of observation"

"Is that a problem for you?"

"You got no idea..."

"About what?"

"I was green with envy, when I heard you two met at the swimming pool..."

"I'm sorry, Jen. I honestly didn't know"

"It's okay. Not your fault, that he's only got eyes for you..."

"What is this? Power of observation again?"

"Maybe just speculation or resignation...", she returned downcast and I felt it was time to get clear about my own situation. Yes, Dave was a very cute boy with a great body, but if I was honest, I was already in love with Mack.

"But Jen, you're wrong. I'm serious"

"You tell me you two are not dating?"

"What? Heck no, I swear!"

"Is he too smug for you?"

"You know what? It seems like he's only a prig when others are around. That really surprised me. When I was talking to him alone, he actually wasn't..."

"Good lord, don't tell me he's even more perfect than I already thought"

"Knock it off. He also only puts his pants on one leg at a time..."

"But he doesn't put it over a diaper outside of school", she noted discouraged.

"She still makes you wear them?", I asked shocked, playing on her mother putting her in diapers as a punishment for wetting herself once.

"Yes, I'm still grounded in diapers. That's why I can't come over"

"I'm sorry for you"

"That's actually why..."

"Why what?"

"I thought...maybe if Dave got closer to you, he'd eventually learn about your diapers and find out, he doesn't mind, if a girl wears them..."

"Oh, Jen, you won't be kept in them forever"

"Well, I don't know...", she returned and I more and more got the feeling that I had to do something about this again. This wasn't right. Jenny wasn't incontinent like me or anything. All she did, was having one accident as far as I knew.

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