7.55 Grinding - The Most Qualified Human

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"Oops", she uttered slowly and I got down to her. I put knife and board back on the counter before I threw her arm over my shoulder. The weight made me pee a little again, but I had no choice. I quickly helped her up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I just tripped trying to get the lasagna", she explained and I noticed she was staggering a bit.

"Okay, let me take care of it, Mom", I announced and put on the oven clothes. I wasn't exactly the most qualified human being for the job with my lazy elbow, but I didn't want to risk Mom getting hurt. Or worse: the lasagna ^^ So I carefully took it out of the oven and since I had it already in a good position I quickly brought it outside to Gloria, who was delighted by the sight. I went back in to get a knife. Unfortunately the bathroom was blocked by Mom. I hoped I'd get another chance once she was done. I took the big knife, cleaned it up and went back outside. Gloria cut the lasagna for me for obvious reasons and then insisted to wait for Mom. I was nervously moving in my chair trying not to pee myself. When after two minutes she didn't come I decided to check on her. We met at the door.

"Sorry, I'm late", she apologized with the wine bottle and two glasses in her hands.

"No problem, I'll be with you in a minute..."

"What? No! The lasagna is getting cold!"

"But I'm about to wet myself completely, Mom..."

"You got your protection, hun. Here, you take the wine. I'm a bit tipsy", she handed me bottle and glasses and almost dropped them when I didn't take them instantly. She slapped me on my bum which made me feel wet again and shoved me towards the patio. It was a nightmare!

I put them on the table and carefully sat down next to Gloria. The wetness spread on my bum and I prayed the pad wouldn't leak. Mom was a bit slower and kept her hands clasped at her crotch. When she finally sat down I thought I saw a small wet spot on her jeans. But that could've been just water, right? I couldn't care about it anyway because I was busy taking care of my own misery. I had both hands on my crotch pushing against the already swollen pad trying to hold on for dear life! Gloria prepared a plate with lasagna for each of us and then gave me a glass of water after pouring herself and Mom a glass of wine. They began to eat and chatted a bit when Gloria noticed I wasn't eating, yet.

"Lyza, why aren't you eating? Are you okay?", she asked me worried and put a hand on my shoulder. I thought about taking the heat and just dashing to the toilet while I still could. But the moment I tried to get up I instantly lost control.

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