Chapter Two: Will Byers Is Missing

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"Ok, ok, settle down and shut your traps." Mr. Dwyer grumbled as students began filing into his First Period Biology class. I sat down in my usual spot in the front of the room, and David slid into the seat beside me. "I'm gonna be assigning partners for our upcoming cell project. First and foremost, yes both partners have to contribute. No, you may not pick your partners. No, you may not switch partners if I give you some one you do not like. Partners have been chosen fairly and randomly by me, and any complaints I hear about the pairing with be ignored tenfold."

"I swear, Dwyer hasn't let anyone pick their own partners since Tommy H. and Carol were feeling each other up under the desks Freshman year." David groaned. I scrunched my nose in disgust, turning to face forward as he began reading off the name.

"Steve Harrington...where is Steve Harrington? Oh that's right, its first period so he's late, as always, meaning he should be walking in right about..."

The door to the classroom opened and in walked Steve, sunglasses over his eyes and a bagel hanging out of his mouth. He took it out, glancing at Mr. Dwyer, who shot him an unamused look.

"What'd I miss, Benjamin?"

"Shut up and sit down, Harrington. You're paired up with Becky Tate for the cell project."

"Well Ben, you mind if I call you Ben?"

"Not if you value your life." Mr. Dwyer shot back.

"Benjamin it is," He said, earning himself another nasty look, "Benjamin, I don't think that's gonna work because Becky and I have a history-"

"You can talk about your history in history. This is biology and partners are final. Get your butt in a seat before you spend your evening in detention."

 Ok Benjamin, message received. Gosh." He said, walking to his seat as several of the other students snickered behind him.

"Riley Hopper?"

"Oh great. Whoever gets paired with her is totally screwed." A girl whispered behind me. 

"Harry Barnes." He read off.

"Aw man." Harry groaned from the back of the class. I glanced over at Riley, but she just kept her eyes trained on her paper, appearing unbothered by their comments. I could still see the cut that sat in the corner of her lip from her locker door. 

"David King, you're with Leslie Jones."

"Mr. Dwyer-" He raised his hand glancing at me.

"No, you cannot be paired up with Amber instead. I guess the two of you will have to learn how to function without each other." Some of the other kids laughed as David sighed, getting up and moving over to sit with Leslie. "Eddie're with Amber Sweetwater."

I looked up, turning around in my seat at the student in question. 

Eddie Munson had been called 'Eddie 'the Freak' Munson' ever since middle school. He was an edgy, rocker type of guy with long, curly black hair. He always wore about twenty rings at a time and was super into Dungeons and Dragons, along with several other boys of all different grade levels. He was actually a year older than us and was supposed to graduate last year, but he got held back, so now he's in our class. 

People like to say that he's a satanist or a murderer or that he likes to bit the heads off of kittens...weird, ridiculous things like that all because he likes Heavy Metal and Fantasy, but quite frankly, I think all of the rumors are ridiculous. I mean, I can only imagine what rumors are going around about me. 

Eddie made eye contact with me, smirking in my direction and shooting me a wink before getting up and walking to my table. He looked over his shoulder, shooting David a smug look all the way before sinking into his seat and turning to look at me, propping his chin in his hand. 

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