Chapter Nineteen: I Am Now

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Eddie and I had math first period, so we had opted to sit in the back corner of the classroom near the windows. I was taking notes, and Eddie was attempting to take notes, despite the fact that he had absolutely no idea what Ms. O'Donnell was talking about. 

I sighed, bored out of my mind, which prompted me to begin looking around the room for something more interesting to focus on. I found it in Riley Hopper and Steve Harrington. Riley sat a couple of seats in front of me, which were currently unoccupied due to some school club trip, and Steve sat beside her in the next row, positioning me perfectly to be able to hear what they were saying. 

"What is your problem?" Riley whispered, randomly dragging her pen across her notebook.

"My problem is that the new guy has been staring at you all class." Steve said, looking over his shoulder. I turned my head in the direction he was looking just as Riley did, and sure enough there was the new kid in the same line of desks as Eddie and I, with his eyes locked on the blonde girl in question. They made eye contact and he offered her a flirtatious smile, prompting her to slide down on her seat. 

"Why do you care if some random dude is staring at me?" She asked. 

This question prompted me to think back to the movie theater the other night. I thought about the way that Nancy, who was supposed to be Steve's girlfriend, gravitated towards the back of the group with Jonathan Byers, while Steve and Riley stood side-by-side looking thick as theives. Now Steve seems bothered by the fact that the new guy is interested in her.

"What are you staring at?" Eddie whispered, seeming as desperate for a distraction as I was. I propped my chin in my hand, turning to look at him.

"I think Steve Harrington has a crush on Riley Hopper." I theorized. He furrowed his eyebrows, glancing up at them.

"I don't think Hopper's his type," He replied, "I mean, she's like...a real person. She's actually a decent, and her Dad's a cop. Steve's a trust fund baby that dates preppies and cheerleaders."

"Maybe he used to be," I corrected, "But you know...people change, and so do their tastes." 

"You think Steve Harrington's changed?" He asked skeptically. "I'll believe that when I see it."


As we walked out of class once the bell rang, an orange flyer was thrust into my hand. I took it, looking down at it as Eddie wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Tina's Halloween Bash. Come and get...sheet faced." I read aloud. 

"That's vomit inducing." Eddie said, grabbing it out of my hand and crumbling it up.

"No wait," I said, taking it back and unfolding it, "Maybe we should go." He raised his eyebrows.

"Seriously?" He asked. "That party's gonna be popular central. Why on earth would you want to go to that?"

"Because maybe, for the first time ever, I can do my own thing and see what all the fuss is about." I suggested. "Who knows, maybe...maybe parties are fun when you can actually be yourself." 

"Trust me, they're not." He argued.

"Have you ever been to one?' I asked. He didn't answer, causing me to nod. "Come on. Its not just any party, its a Halloween party. With Costumes! You like both of those things!"

"Not the same way they do." He argued. "But, I guess...if this is gonna be one of your reclamation things..."

"It is." I agreed. He sighed, nodding. 

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