Chapter Ten: Poor Kid

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"You weren't actually serious! You're not actually quitting the cheer squad are you?"

"Yes. I said what I said and I meant it." I said, pushing my locker closed and hiking my bag over my shoulder. The final bell had just rang and Stacy wasted no time coming to find me to 'talk some sense into me'.

"But why?! I mean, we've been cheerleading since middle school! You were going to be our captain next year, we need you!"

"No, you really don't. Its not like we're going to competitions or anything. You don't need a certain number of Cheerleaders just to cheer at the games."


"Look, Stacy..." I paused, turning around to face her, "The fact of the matter is, I don't like cheer. I have never liked it, and quite frankly, I'm just so sick of pretending to be someone I'm not."

"So who are you then?" She asked. "Is this what you are? Ditching all of your friends, and all the people who care about you so you can go play house with the-the D&D Cult?"

"Stacy, can I ask you a question?" I questioned. "What's my favorite color?"

"Uh..." She trailed off.

"My favorite song?" I prompted, yet again getting no answer. "What do I want to do after high school? What my hopes and fears? My biggest insecurities?"

"Oh! Well-"

"Stacy," I interrupted, causing her shoulders to slump, "Just admit it, ok? You don't know anything about me. None of our friends actually know anything about me. And its not even your fault, ok? I just...For once I want to do what I want and not care what anybody else has to say about it. And for the record? These guys are actually some of the coolest and least judgmental people I've ever met, and they're actually really fun to hang out with." She shook her head.

"I don't understand you!" She exclaimed. " get everything, you have everything, and you're just throwing it away! Its not fair!" 

"Well Stace, look at it this way. If I'm not around to claim these benefits that I apparently have...they're free for the taking." I said with a shrug. "Good luck at practice tonight." 

I turned around, making my way towards the exit of the school. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get to a point where my so-called friends would just accept my decisions and leave me alone. 

As I walked outside, I spotted Eddie and the other members of Corroded Coffin crowded around Eddie's van. His back was to me, so he didn't see me come up to them, and none of the others seemed to notice which gave me the opportunity to hear the end of their conversation.

"I just want to make sure we're thinking about this rationally," Freak said, "I mean, this is Amber Sweetwater we're talking about. Head cheerleaders don't just up and decide to be friends with the Heavy Metal kids."

"She's not the head cheerleader," Eddie pointed out, "The head cheerleader is usually a senior. She's a junior."

I couldn't help but smile at the idea that he'd remembered this distinction. 

"She's still popular," Jeff pointed out, "I mean, how do you know that this isn't just some sick prank she's planned with her friends to make fun of the D&D freaks?"

"Amber's not like that," Eddie argued, "I mean yeah, she's popular, but she isn't like the rest of them. She's sweet and kind and she actually cares about other people. I've gotten to know her really well over the past several days and trust me, she is not the pranking type. Honestly guys, just trust me on this. Well...I say that. It doesn't really matter if you trust me or not, because I say she's in with us."

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