Chapter Thirteen: Complicated

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I dropped my backpack to the floor again, sitting down in the chair across from Ms. Kelley's desk. She sat in her desk chair, her eyes filling with concern as she eyed the fresh cuts on my face and the blood stains on my shirt. 

"I've had a couple of people come to me this morning expressing concerns for your safety," She stated, "I can see why now." 

I just stared at her, unsure of what I should say. There are so many reasons why I should just leave all of this alone and try to deal with this situation in my own way. And yet at the same time...I meant what I said, and I don't want my father to think I'm only capable of making empty threats. 

"Its...complicated." I decided, shifting uncomfortably in my chair. She nodded.

"These kinds of situations often are." She replied, clicking her pen and poising herself to take notes. "What situation are we talking about here exactly?"

"I don't know. To what exactly are you referring to?" I pressed. 

"Well, I'm not exactly sure," She said, "We have limited proof here, but a person can draw their conclusions. I have three potential theories, each of them ending in domestic abuse."

"But there's no way for you to know which one is the truth." She shook her head.

"No. Not unless you tell me, which...I'm truly hoping that you will." I nodded.

"Well, I...can't..." I answered,"Like I said, its complicated."

"Amber," She said, leaning across the desk, "I understand that you want to avoid hurting this person-"

"It's not that," I corrected,"its...nothing, honestly. It's not something you need to worry about. I'm fine."

"Amber, as the school Counseller, you and your safety are my priority. I just need to make sure-"

"There's nothing to make sure of. I'm safe and I'm fine," I said,"But even if I wasn't, I mean, what would happen? What of there are other people involved that could get hurt if this is handled the wrong way?"

"I can assure you, the police will-"

"The police have enough trouble on their hands right now as it is." I said. "I highly doubt they've got the time or the energy to handle my case with the time and sensitivity it would require. Not that there is a case. This is all purely hypothetical."
She sighed

"Amber,' She said dejectedly, folding her hands over the top of her desk, "I've had someone express their concerns about your recent friendship with Eddie Munson-"

I laughed hollowly, shaking my head.

"Of course you did." I muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"Trust me, Ms. Kelley. Eddie Munson is the least of your worries." I assured her, standing upa and grabbing my backpack. "Everything is good with me. Complicated, but fine. Can I go now?"

She watched me for a long moment.

"Ok...just...come talk to me, if you need to, ok? My door is always open. I nodded, turning to leave the office. "Oh, and Amber?"

I paused, turning back to her.

"Be careful. Alright? I'm serious. Come back if you need to, the second you need to, ok? I will intervene." I smiled.

Ms. Kelley saw right through my lies...she was just choosing to trust me...that I would report it when the time was right.

"Thank you." I turned, walking out of the office just in time to see a pair of Hawkins Police officers walking down the hallway with Nancy Wheeler trailing behind them.

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