Chapter Six: I Need Eddie Munson

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I got back to the building just as the bell rang, taking my books to my locker and grabbing the books for my next class.

"Amber!" I paused, bracing myself and closing my locket as I turned to face David, hugging my books to my chest. "You just ran out of class earlier with Eddie Munson. What was that about?"

"I wasn't feeling well. He took me to the nurse." I lied, surprised at how easily I did so.

"Oh..." He said, his thoughts swimming behind his eyes, "Look Amber, I've been trying to talk to you. We really need to talk about what happened last night."

"I don't think we do, actually. Your intentions last night seemed pretty clear to me." I said, walking past him in the direction of my next class.

"It was stupid," He said, jogging to catch up with me, "I was drunk and you looked so beautiful-"

"Don't," I interrupted, turning fully to face him as I stopped walking, "Don't say that you did all of that because you thought I was beautiful. Human instinct is to preserve beautiful things, not to harm them. If my beauty had motivated your actions, then I wouldn't be covered in bruises and scratch marks right now."

"Amber..." He reached out to grab my arms but I moved away from me. He sighed. "I'm sorry, ok? I'm so, so sorry, I screwed everything up. Please, you have to forgive me."

I blew out a breath, looking down at my feet. 

If David had caught me at any other moment, he probably would've appealed to the sweet, personable side of me. I probably would have taken one look at the guilt in his eyes and the desperation in his voice and I would have forgiven him. He would have kissed me and I would have let him, and then we'd just go to class together as if everything was normal and it had never happened. 

Unfortunately for him though, he had just caught me after one of the most freeing and exhilarating moments of my entire life which meant...Sweet, Personable Amber was not present at the moment. 

"No." I said quietly, surprising even myself as the words came out of my mouth. He raised his eyebrows at this, just as shocked as I was.

"What?" He asked, clearly wondering if he'd misheard me. I smiled, shaking my head.

"No, David. No, I don't forgive you. In fact..." My smile only widened as I pondered the idea in my head, "We're done."

I turned around, only to find that everyone in the hallway had gone quiet and they were all staring at us. I simply smiled politely at them before continuing on my way to class. Stacy fell into step beside me.

"Um...Sweets? What just happened?" I shrugged.

"I just broke up with David." I said, letting that information sink in.

"Uh yeah, I noticed. We all noticed," She replied, "What I mean is...David is the quarterback of the football team, and the most popular guy in school. You don't just dump him. I mean-are you crazy?"

"I don't know." I said, squeezing my books tighter as I laughed in surprise, "Maybe."

She stopped walking, her jaw dropping, but I just kept walking, making my way towards my second period class. 


For the next two class periods, everyone was buzzing. First, I skip first period with Eddie Munson, and then I break up with David in the hallway before second. If that wasn't enough for the gossip pool of Hawkins High School, Will Byers was still missing, and last night's search party hadn't turned up any results. 

Sweet Amber (A Stranger Things/Eddie Munson Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora