Chapter Seven: Tell Me What You Want

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I pulled my car to a stop on the side of the road just outside the entrance of the trailer park.

I pulled my visor down, tucking my hair behind my ear so that I could survey the damage to my face. The skin was still red, and the shape of my father's hand was very prominent against my skin, so I combed my hair out and pulled it so that it was covering my face.

Once I was sure the injury was hidden, I got out of my car and walked through the trailer park entrance, trying to keep an eye out for a trailer that I recognized. 

I found it surprisingly fast, and wasted no time rushing up to the screen door and knocking on it. It swung open mid knock and I smiled, fully expecting Eddie to be standing on the other side.

What I found instead was a middle-aged balding man in a tattered denim jacket. He stared at me in confusion, pushing the screen door open and furrowing his eyebrows at me. 

"I'm sorry young lady, but whatever it is you're selling we're not interested." He said. I smiled politely.

"No, um...sorry, I don't know if I have the right house. I'm looking for Eddie Munson?"

His look of confusion only deepened which prompted me to start getting worried. 

"Sorry,'re here to see Eddie Munson?" He questioned. "My nephew, Eddie Munson?"

"That's right!" I exclaimed, pointing at him. "Yes, Eddie did mention living with his uncle. Hi, its nice to meet you. I'm Amber Sweetwater, I'm a friend of Eddie's from school."

"Friend of..." He trailed off, shaking his head in disbelief. "Eddie! There's a girl here to see you!" 

"Ha ha, very funny Uncle Wayne-" Eddie appeared in the doorway, his words dying in his throat as he saw me standing there. "I mean um...which-which girl is it? Because you know, I have girls stopping by here all the time, like tons of girls-Oh hey Amber! Didn't see you there!"

"Hi Eddie." I said skeptically. "I just came by to see if you wanted to work on our project or...something."

"Or something?" He asked, leaning his arm on the doorframe. 

"Or something." I confirmed, burying my hands awkwardly in the pockets of my jeans. 

"Well uh...Eddie and I are volunteering to be be on the search party tonight, if you wanna tag along." His Uncle said. I nodded.

"Sure! Yeah, if you don't mind."

"Course not." He said, walking past me towards his car. I turned to face Eddie again.

"Is combing the woods at night with nothing but a flashlight the something you had in mind?" He asked. I shrugged. 

"If I'm being totally honest?" I asked. "Anything to get me out of my house." 

"Well in that case...come hither, my good lady! Your chariot awaits!' He exclaimed, jumping onto the step beside me and offering me his arm. I chuckled, lopping my own through it and allowing him to lead me down the steps of the trailer towards his Uncle's car. 



"Will Byers!" 

"We're here, Will!" 

"Will, where are you?!" 

"WILL!" I shouted, cupping one hand around my mouth and holding my flashlight up with the other. I sighed, putting my hand down and glancing at Eddie. "Surely, if Will just got lost out here somewhere, we'd have found him by now, right?"

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