Chapter Twelve: Brave or Reckless

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I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas before coming back down to meet my mother in the kitchen. She was sitting at the small table we kept against the wall, stirring her own tea while a fresh, steaming mug sat in front of the chair across from her. I sat down, folding one of my legs beneath me and lifting the mug to my lips, taking a sip. 

"That's wonderful. Thank you." I complimented, putting it down again. She nodded in appreciation, smiling across at me. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Is everything ok?" She questioned, prompting me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" She shrugged, glancing into her mug.

"You just seem...different, the past few days. You've been leaving earlier, coming home later...I just wondered if it was because of what happened with your Dad." I bit my lip before taking a sip of my tea.

"I've just...I've been trying some new things," I decided, "I want to put myself out there more."

"New things like what?" She questioned. I paused, trying to come up with an answer in my head.

"New friends." I clarified. "My friends are kind of...not really that great at being friends, so I've been hanging out with some new people."

"Are they good at being friends, these new people?" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, I think so," I admitted, thinking back to the school parking lot moments ago, "They...they push me in ways I didn't anticipate. They encourage me to try new things and...really figure out who I am and to be comfortable with that...even if no one else is." 

"No one' She asked.

"Mom-" I started.

"No, no, its ok...Like I said I've been doing a lot of thinking." I watched her warily, unsure of where this was going. "Sweetie, have I ever told you about growing up with your grandmother?"

"Not really. She died before I was born, so I never got to meet her." I replied. She nodded, looking down at her cup.

"Well, she was a lot like you," She continued, "She was beautiful, and everyone knew it. All I ever heard growing up, from everyone, was how beautiful my mother was and how strange it was that she could look like that while her daughter..."

"Mom, you are beautiful." I said, reaching across the table to put my hand over hers. She chuckled solemnly.

"Maybe to some," She agreed, "But I wasn't beautiful like her...or you. My entire childhood, she was trying to teach me how to be pretty and how to catch the attention of men and keep the attention of men. I hated those was with her guidance that I met and married your father." I nodded, taking my hand back. "Amber...I know how you must feel about him, but-"

"But?" I asked. "He's abusive. Not just to me and Andrew but to you too. What could possibly justify that?"

"He takes care of us," She argued, "Your father makes good money. He bought us this house-"

"What good is a big fancy house if everyone inside of it is miserable?" I questioned.

"The point is," She continued, ignoring this, "My mother's lessons, as much as I despised them led me to a life of brought me you and your brother, so even though I go a little overboard sometimes, it...its just because I want you to have a better life than I did."

"Is this a better life, Mom?" I asked gently. Her smile faltered at this. "Look, I...I appreciate the explanation, really I do but...I'm finally starting to see that I deserve better than this and so do you. I would rather be seen as ugly and be happy with my life than be stuck in a beautiful, miserable existence."

Sweet Amber (A Stranger Things/Eddie Munson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now