Chapter Three: Let's Party

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The party was already operating full swing when we got there.

There was loud music blaring from the speakers in the living room, and just about every square inch was crammed full of sweaty, loud, already-intoxicated bodies. Every single one of them was either dancing, drinking, or drunkenly making out with someone or another. I even spotted Stacy in the corner of the room, locked in a heated kiss with one of the senior boys. 

"Just give me like, an hour, hour and a half tops," David called into my ear, "You want anything? You want a drink?"

"Just soda for me, please."

"As you wish." He kissed me on the cheek before holding my hand above his head and dragging me through the crowd towards the kitchen. Once we got there, he opened the fridge, pulling out a coke and handing it to me before grabbing a bear for himself. "Cheers."

He lightly tapped his can against mine and we opened them up, each taking a sip. He shook his head.

"You don't know what you're missing, Sweets." He said, lifting his can lightly in the air before taking another swig. I shook my head. 

"I'll take me chances," I replied, "Sugar after five is as risky as I get." 

He smiled at this.

"You're so cute and innocent its ridiculous," He said, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest, "I can't wait to have you all to myself. You look gorgeous in that dress-"

"Your Majesty!" He was interrupted by a shout, and looked up to see Sammy, Chris and several of the other guys, armed with their dates and girlfriends, funneling into the kitchen to join us. "Tryin' to keep this guy all to yourself, Sweets?"

"Trying to." I joked, trying my best not to sound uncomfortable. Chris laughed, turning to face David. 

"Dude, how ridiculous is this whole thing?"

"Right?" Sammy agreed as his girlfriend kissed his neck, his arm wrapped around her, "I swear, if I ever find that stupid kid, I'm gonna-"

"What?" David asked. "You're gonna what, Sammy?"

"Well nothing dude, I was just-"

"Making a joke about a kid whose gone missing?" He asked, glancing at me before looking back at him with wide eyes. "I get being disappointed, but have a little respect, dude."

"Ok...sorry." Sammy said, narrowing his eyes at him. I looked at David, my eyes widening in surprise. He wasn't usually the type to stand up to his friends like that. 

"Look, let's just forget about it, ok?" He attempted. "We're here, we're at a party, so let's have  good time, yeah! To the Hawkins Tigers!" 

"GO TIGERS!' Everyone chorused.

"To Bridgefield!" 


"And most of us! LET'S PARTY!" 



(TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of attempted sexual assault. If you are someone that is triggered by any of these things, please do not continue or continue with caution. If you find yourself being affected by this story, please take care of yourself and your mental well-being.)

I don't think we left the kitchen over the entirety of the party. Occasionally some of the football players would filter in and out their girlfriends begging for a dance or something, but for the most part I just stood in the kitchen with David's arm around me in various ways, listening as they talked about football and school, their parents, whatever the heck they wanted to talk about. All the while David, along with all of the other guys, were downing drinks left and right, mostly beers, and getting drunker and drunker by the second.

Sweet Amber (A Stranger Things/Eddie Munson Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora