Chapter Fourteen: You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You

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I helped tidy up the bar after my shift, and then Eddie drove me back to his trailer. 

"No, I'm sorry, but I just don't believe you."

"I bought your tape at the talent show, didn't I?"

"Yeah to be nice-out-out of pity, not because you liked Metal."

"I do! It was that talent show that got me started on it! I'll show you my mixed tapes if you don't believe me."

"Ok, fine, ultimate quiz." Eddie said, looking at me from his seat behind the wheel of his van. "Favorite metal band."

"Ok no, I'm not going tot ell you," I argued, "Because you're going to get all gatekeepy about it and either my favorite band means I'm not a real fan, or you think I'm making it up." 

"No I'm not! I'm not, honestly, it infuriates me when people do that crap. If you like metal, you like metal, there's no right or wrong way to be a fan of something." I sighed in defeat, shooting him  a look. "Go on! Favorite Metal band."

"I like Blue Cheer."

"No Way you know who Blue Cheer is!" 

"I do!" I shouted. "Technically they're blues-rock, but they are the pioneers of Heavy Metal music."

"Ok, what's your favorite Blue Cheer song?"

"Second Time Around."

"Holy crap, you actually like Blue Cheer."

"I told you!" I shouted. "I like Heavy Metal, and its all your fault for playing 'The Wizard' at that talent show."

"You remember the song?!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, duh, Black Sabath's The Wizard, its not like its hard to identify." I pointed out. He shook his head.

"Who are you?!" I threw my hands up in the air in a shrug, causing him to laugh.

"Full of surprises." I said as he pulled to a stop in front of his trailer. He turned the car off and I climbed out, pulling my backpack onto my shoulder.

"Amber." I shut the van door, turning around and freezing as I came face to face with my father. 

"Dad..." I trailed off. Eddie ran around the front of the van, drawing my father's eyes towards him. "What are you doing here?! How did you find me-"

"I followed your mother to the bar after work," He said simply, "And then I tailed you here, but quite frankly, I don't owe you any sort of explanation. Get in the car, now. We're going home."

"She's not going anywhere with you." Eddie said, stepping up beside me. He scoffed. 

"She's my daughter, she's going to go wherever I tell her to go, and no long-haired freak in second-hand rags is going to stop her." Dad said, grabbing my wrist so that he could pull me away. Eddie put a hand on each of our shoulders to stop him, so my Dad used his free hand to punch him across the face.

"Eddie!" I shouted as he stumbled backwards. "Let go of me!" 

"GET IN THE CAR!" He shouted, yanking me towards him and holding my arm up between us.

"NO! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITH YOU!" I shoved my free hand against his chest with pretty minimal results, prompting him to move his grip up to my hand and twist until my wrist let out a sickening crack. I screamed, falling to my knees and cradling my now-broken wrist to my body. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling me up to my feet. 

"Don't touch her!" Eddie screamed, rushing forward. My Dad let go of me, wrapping both of his hands around Eddie's throat and pinning him against his van.

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