Don't have to hide ✔️

445 13 31

Little: Taehyung | Original age:23 | Little age: 2

Caregiver: Jungkook | Age: 25


-Because of insecurities Taehyung hides the fact he is a little. Guess who's going to find out?



3rd person POV

It was a sunny Saturday. College friends of Taehyung including his beloved roommate planned to go to the arcade to ease up after the exam which ended on Friday. Taehyung had no problem with that except for the fact he was not able to turn into a little for about 3 weeks because of the exam and exam preparation he had to do. It was eating him up inside, carving to nothing but cuddling his plushie which is hidden inside his underwear drawer, and watching his favorite program; Bluey, inside his warm blanket.

Guess luck was not by his side.

"Taehyung! Get your ass up or we are going to be late!" Taehyung thought the alarm he set on his phone last night which got canceled by him in the morning was the only disturbance to his peaceful sleep but who was he kidding? The human alarm named 'JEON JUNGKOOK' is practically making his eardrums burst all the while dragging him out of his comforter.

"5 more minutes please Hyung..." Taehyung whined without opening his eyes to the cruel day.

Jungkook placed his hands on either side of his waist and shook his head, looking at the younger who had his eyes closed with a cute pout resting on his face. His hair was a tangled mess and a little bit of drool had dried out leaving a white line. Nope, it wasn't disgusting for him. He thought younger is adorable, sleeping or not, younger had always been adorable.

No matter how much he would like to let his one-sided love sleep in peace, now it's not the time. If they are going to be late, Jin Hyung will rip their heads off.

With one last look at his younger, he ripped away the blanket from Taehyung making him whine aloud and sit up on the bed in a criss-cross position, still not opening his eyes.

"Up! Now!" Jungkook demanded and younger whined as he get off the bed with more whining and stomped his feet in anger.

"Go wash your face. We will grab breakfast on the way." Jungkook said while pushing younger towards the washroom, not giving his attention to the tantrum younger is pulling. Sleepy Taehyung is always hard to handle, especially getting up.

"You are so so so fucking cruel!" Younger said, slamming the bathroom door to Jungkook's face, making Jungkook flinch before he chuckled at younger's silly antics.


At last, Taehyung came out from his morning daze but looked no better, and they grabbed breakfast from the nearby cafe of their favorite; spring day. It's such a nice place to have a coffee and relax thus all the boys loved getting inside at least once a week, automatically becoming regulars of the cozy cafe.

"Oh, you guys came! I thought you both will never come!" said hoseok who waited outside the house with jimin till the arrival of the duo, while giving a pat on Jungkook's shoulder. They planned on meeting at Jin's place because he was the only one with a license.

"Guys!! They are here!!" Jimin screamed from the top of his lungs making an already anxious Taehyung flinch.

After much chaos, they managed to pile up inside the van, heading off to their destination; the newly opened arcade.

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