This will be my longest Chapter so read as you will.
You shall have your chills, thrills and kills
3rd PoV"It seems like everyone here... Then let the second session begin!" Pure Vanilla declared, the second meeting was set...and everything was set...unknown to the Ancients, they were playing a gamble they never knew was coming to them...but two other cookies stood firm.
Gingerbrave and GingCandy were not leaving this discussion without a fight.
"Today, we must decide which kingdom will lead the expedition to the continent of Beast-Yeast in search of Dark Enchantress Cookie. Is everyone of the same opinion as yesterday?" Pure Vanilla asked looking around the room. "Of course! We can handle any danger!" Hollyberry exclaimed, declaring her decision cannot be altered. "No, our warriors are better suited for this mission!" Dark Cacao spoke out in reply, showing his stubbornness despite apologizing to Hollyberry, after all this was still a Council meeting. "If I may, please? The Crème Republic has a new proposition." Clotted Cream spoke out, seeing that it keened everyone's interest, of course. But that was the first move of the gamble or a game of chess. "We believe it is in everyone's best interest to select the fittest candidates from each nation for combined action. Each one of us has their strengths and weaknesses. Playing these cards smart seems to be the optimal course of action." Clotted Cream suggested, his pawn going first in his words. "Combined action...?" Wildberry asked intrigued. "Go together with the Hollyberrians? Hm..." Crunchy Chip remarked, unsure about that decision. "What a great proposition! After all, we share the responsibility to save our world! Our goal is one: protecting Cookiekind from Dark Enchantress Cookie's evil!" Pure Vanilla declared, satisfied with the proposal. "Then when do we start? Who's willing to make contact with the dragons?" Hollyberry asked. Clotted Cream's side was getting the upper hand, his strategy and stubbornness fueling him every step of the way. "Before we proceed further, there is another matter I would like us to discuss." Clotted Cream spoke, that was the bingo for Gingerbrave, the gambling cards and the pieces were all in place...time to make the proposition. "As our esteemed Pure Vanilla Cookie mentioned, indeed, we all share a collective responsibility. We must provide the xpedition with everything necessary to ensure its success. These Cookies will need power to fight and protect themselves. But where to find such power? We believe there is a solution..." Clotted Cream suggested, beginning to reveal his cards in the name of his Republic. "And what is this... solution?" Dark Cacao asked, weary and having a bad gut feeling. GingerCandy's wandering aura affecting him. "There is no source of power greater than Soul Jam harnessed by the Five Ancient Heroes."
There it was the proposition...and Gingerbrave had prepared all his cards for this battle. It had been probably months since the Ginger Cookies and his kingdom declared a joint leadership, but GingerPeach has been teaching him a few tricks along with GingerCandy, and as stubborn as his very dough, he is willing to take a serious fight with words when he needs to.
"But what if this Soul Jam could be divided and shared by all? Imagine the possibilities! Yes, it will be no easy feat to perform such a procedure here. But it could be done with the help of the Crème Republic's technological advancements! So I ask forthright. Will you share your Soul Jam for the greater good?" Clotted Cream declared, and as the aura of GingerCandy's dread spread through the room it affected to the other Ancients
"I beg your pardon?"
"What?! You want the Soul Jam?!"
"Are you out of your mind?!"All three Ancients, confused, angry and distraught, how could Clotted Cream even suggest such a proposition?! This was madness! "Do you even realize what you're asking for? Wars started because of Soul Jam! This is insanity!" Hollyberry lashed out. "What a preposterous idea! To share our Soul Jam?! Impossible!" Dark Cacao added, now allying his opinions with Hollyberry. "Clotted Cream Cookie. I trust this is not all that you have to say. There must be another reason for your proposition, isn't there?" Pure Vanilla asked, trying to reason with the other two. "Venerable Heroes! Believe me, I understand completely how outlandish my proposition might sound. However, allow me to remind you that one of the main purposes for this council is to find means to guarantee the success of our endeavor. Just a fraction of your strength divided among our forces will dramatically increase the chances of our survival." Clotted Cream explained revealing another card, Madeleine was right, he was rather stubborn. "Me and Madeleine Cookie have witnessed the catastrophe that Dark Enchantress Cookie has brought upon our world! The forces that she controls is that unimaginable! Many cookies need our help and we have not the strength to stop it!" Espresso declared, explaining along with the Consul. "But...does Madeleine Cookie want this? You might and the Consul might, but Madeleine is the Paladin here!" Hollyberry added, a Paladin is supposed to be in the frontline of battle, a mere scientist nor a consul might overestimate the dangers of it, and even if they know Madeleine was there with Espresso, what proof do they have that their forces are as strong as Espresso says?
Yet, unbeknownst to Hollyberry, she unknowingly lead the cards unto Gingerbrave, suffice to say, Madeleine and their dear Consul had a fight before this meeting. Espresso and Clotted Cream looked with dread, hoping Madeleine probably changed his mind. "I suggest outsiders opinion." Gingerbrave's white knight made his move, turning the game over to him. "If we bicker amongst ourselves, outsiders or each of our opposing sides will consider the other selfish. Whether it is refusing the power of the Soul Jam or taking the power of the Soul Jam, others will eventually hate the other side and more wars will come if the Soul Jam is bickered amongst ourselves." Madeleine suggested, a bright move, they had to consider this strategy lightly and quickly during their time in the dark room.
"Then let's hear from Gingerbrave! The only person that is neither Republican or one of the Ancient hero!" Hollyberry suggested. "Is that wise...? He is young, could he decide the fate of our world?!" Dark Cacao exclaimed, unsure of this decision. "We must make a choice somehow! Gingerbrave is currently the only representative of [Insert Kingdom name here] he has allied himself with strangers that we can trust! Plus, he has done great deeds for all of Earthbread, he should know what is important or not." Pure Vanilla explained, after all Gingerbrave now has an entire kingdom to look after. He must have learned responsibility early on....which is true since he tends to hold himself responsible for certain things...
All eyes were on him now, the cards were laid, the game was set, Gingerbrave took a breath, GingCandy's presence calming him, helping him remember the words...GingerCandy was currently in ghost form, or a form where he can't be seen by others...he stayed in wait, putting a hand on Gingerbrave shoulder telling him that it would be alright...
He took a breath and spoke.
"I...well, am sorta neutral about this decision." Gingerbrave begun, placing his first move unto the table. "On one hand, I could never have imagined Clotted Cream would ask the Heroes to share their Soul Jam!" Gingerbrave begun his argument, somewhat causing Clotted Cream to get a but nervous. "But I was thinking...If only I were just A LITTLE stronger, just THIS MUCH! I could protect all my friends against Dark Enchantress Cookie...! Together, we managed to defeat her back then... But if I was stronger, it wouldn't have been that hard!" Gingerbrave spoke, somewhat explaining both sides of the situation. "I think I understand what Clotted Cream is trying to say, But the war began because of Soul Jam! We have the Heroes back thanks to Soul Jam! They won't give it away easily." Gingerbrave explanation directed at Clotted Cream. And he understands what Gingerbrave meant. "We are at a lost here then...Gingerbrave cannot decide the future further." Dark Cacao agreed, yet they didn't know there was some damage done, he was able to convince both sides the thoughts of the opposites.
"We understand! Of course, we must help everyone! But you are asking us to hand over our Soul Jam to you and your Republic! Why?" Hollyberry worded, starting the riling argument once more. "Advanced equipment is required to analyze the Soul Jam. Only the Crème Republic has such scientific capabilities." Espresso explained after looking at Madeleine almost trying to calculate what was happening. "You want to research the Soul Jam? Analyze them?" Dark Cacao asked. "Then you're a few years too late, their were cookies who did and still have the research of the Soul Jam...and they only required one to be tested! The fact that your Republic wants all three is a problem already addressed!" Dark Cacao argued, Clotted Cream looked in shock as well as Espresso.
"There were cookies who once researched the Soul Jam? Preposterous! We have never met any cookie!" Espresso exclaimed, after all it was he and Madeleine's mission to find all data of the Soul Jam in the first place. "That's because they were hiding." Gingerbrave butted in once more. "The Cookies that researched the Soul Jam went into hiding after the Dark Flour War, they are the same cookies that we allied ourselves with!" Gingerbrave explained bringing a gaping hole into Clotted Cream's strategy. "The Ginger Cookies live? Then this argument has already been decided. Unless the Ginger Cookies rightfully get involved in this the Soul Jam is NOT going anywhere!" Hollyberry declared, Dark Cacao nodded in agreement. They both left in their accord ending the Council on a negative note, surprisingly Pure Vanilla did agree to this decision as this seems to be the best possible solution.
"Gingerbrave, could you send a letter to the Ginger Cookies that they may arrive here soon?" Pure Vanilla insisted. "Got it!" Gingerbrave said cheerfully, he winked at Madeleine as a sign of 'thank you for your help'
And Clotted Cream was left on the chair shocked...
He didn't calculate this might happen...much less Madeleine's proposal, through the middle of it, it was a well calculated strategy...Was this who Gingerbrave truly was...?

"The Sixth Lost Ancient"
FanfictionThere was once an Sixth Ancient among the Five...They were since then, forgotten from time, only told from the legends to ancients. Till a certain cookie from a certain kingdom, resembles him by dough.