Investigation: Paladins POV p2

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3rd POV

"Say... why are there so many youngsters in front of the Sanctum today?" Madeleine asked curiously, "The Sanctum provides free meals twice a week. Elder Mille-feuille Cookie is leading an effort to provide food for young children... Young children without parents." Financier explained as Madeleine's heart warmed. "The Elder is doing such heartwarming work!" He remarked happily. "Ah, and it appears she is here today." Financier remarked motioning to the hall.

"OH WOW! Jelly stew! My favorite!" One of the children exclaimed. "Please, please, please can I have some more? I wanna eat so much today!" Another one asked Elder Mille-feuille. "Yes, dearest, of course. But remember to pray and give thanks to the Light for the meal, okay sweetie?" She reminded. "Oh, right! Thank you, Divine Light!" One of the orphans spoke in prayer. "I promise to be the nicest, bestest Cookie ever!" The other one claimed

"Greetings, Elder Mille-feuille Cookie." Financier greeted. "Oh, hello my friends. Such wonderful weather today, is it not?" She asked calmly. "I am glad you are uninjured from yesterday's incident, Elder Mille-feuille Cookie." Madeleine spoke. "I merely fainted due to shock. I feel perfectly fine now. And the young ones' smiles and laugh give me strength. Now then, have you identified the Cookies in the white masks yet?" She asked seemingly concerned. "For something so evil to happen in our blessed Sanctum... My very dough shivers at such a thought..."

"We have yet to uncover any significant details." Financier lied, as she somewhat had a lead...though it was probably too careless to say. "Do you remember anything from that moment that may aid us?" She asked as Elder Mille-feuille bowed her head ashamed. "Oh, I... I was much too flustered at the moment." She explained. "Then perhaps you have an idea or suspicion on who would want to steal the Soul Jam?" Madeleine asked swiftly. "Hm. My first instinct is to suspend those who may benefit financially from such a crime. The Ancient Heroes' Soul Jam are, after all, great artifacts that may fetch a grand price." She suggested. "Perhaps the assailants were intending on selling the Soul Jam. Yes... You may find an answer in that direction? But what breaks my heart is that we, the Elders, were unable to protect you from this painful incident. On behalf of the entirety of the Convocation of Elders, please accept my apologies." She explained sorrowfully. "No apologies necessary, Elder Mille-feuille Cookie. You are not the one at fault here!" Madeleine reassured. "If there is anything I can do to help, you may ask without hesitation. I shall do everything I can to aid you." She spoke.

"Actually...I do have a question." Financier asked. "Elder Vanilla Sugar, spoke that the Ginger Cookies have their very own beliefs in whatever our creators are...could you elaborate for us? You are the Elder of the Church after all." She asked as Madeleine looked around nervously. "Ah...yes...the religion of The Wizard Gods...we call them the Wizardry believers, it was a religion starting from a forest named 'Paradise' a forest inhabited by the most common and weakest of the cookie kinds...The Ginger Cookies" Elder Mille-Feuille explained. "The Ginger Cookies were the first cookies, plain to the dough with barely any additional flavors...those that did, well they were made by flavored dough than the ingredients of the Ginger Cookies. Eventually other cookie flavors were made and they segregated into the world in search for a home for themselves." She explained. "Why are you asking this, my child? You don't think that the leader that currently visits the republic is responsible do you?" She asks concerned as Madeleine butted in. "It is just a suspicion, Elder...we are not entirely sure..." Madeleine said as Financier begun her suspicions...why was Madeleine so defensive when it came to Gingerbrave? "Oh...hmm...perhaps you need to find that vigilante running around then...I heard that he might serve under the beliefs..." Elder Mille-fueille suggested.

"That...Phoenix Glider?! Ugh! You know how unimportant he is! He is a mere vigilante! What trouble could he cause?" Madeleine remarked. "I see you quite dislike the vigilante running around and stealing from the rich." Financier remarked, common is known that Madeleine despises the vigilante called 'Phoenix Glider' calls him a common thief, rumor has it the Phoenix Glider might have beaten Madeleine in a fight and the spite hasn't worn off. "He's just as troublesome as that thief that Almond Detective spoke of! As if we're going to find him if he can, I don't know, convert into the shadows at will?!" Madeleine scoffed irritated. Financier thinks that rumor wasn't a rumor now... "We'll be off, Elder, thank you for your advice." Financier bowed as Elder Mille-feuille waved at them, Madeleine still complaining about the vigilante on the way...

"What luck! I believe that is Elder Canele Cookie!" Madeleine remarked looking towards the docks. "Greetings, Elder Canele Cookie." Financier greeted. "...Hm? Have you business with me?" Elder Canele asked bothered. "If time permits, we would like to ask you something. Have you heard anything regarding Cookies in white masks?" Financier asked as Elder Canele's eyes widened in fear. "White masks...?! White masks... What sort of white masks??" She asked concerned. "They are an organized group of vandals who attempted to steal the Soul Jam." Financier informed as Madeleine and her caught up with her nervousness. "A suspicious and dangerous bunch! When did such a group form within our fine Republic?!" Madeleine remarked seeing what kind of reaction he might get. "I... I don't know anything!" She claimed. "Hmph! I am the Elder of Finance! My day to day tasks on keeping tabs of imports and exports and checking the coffers keep me far too busy! Whose idea was it to give an Elder THIS much work? I've not even the time for tea... ever!" She said huffing. "So... Elder Canele Cookie, you truly have no idea about this incident?" Madeleine asked "Of course I don't know anything! But tell me... the Soul Jam... Did the Soul Jam really belong to the Ancient Heroes?" She asked curiously. "Yes. It is said to be their source of power." Financier informed, catching onto her. "A treasure of that sort could fetch a hefty price. I must say... I'm quite jealous of the Ancient Heroes. All Cookies must respect their power, not covet it. Hm... That's all I will say about Soul Jam. Now, I must take my leave. I've much to do, much to do!" She informed walking off annoyed. "Our conversation with Elder Canele Cookie has not revealed much either." Madeleine said worried...even if she was suspicious, common is known for her greed...what he was more worried about was Gingerbrave...

He was told to protect him...
How can he do that without arousing suspicion?

"Though...that would mean...Gingerbrave would have to stand trial..." Financier explained, Madeleine's eyes widened. "You really think...?" Madeleine asked as Financier nodded. "I'm curious...why do you protect him so? You even sided with him during the Council..." she asked, Madeleine sighing. "He's just a kid..." Madeleine informed. "How could he do anything wrong?"  He asks as Financier, as she put a hand on her shoulder. "He oversees a kingdom...a feat like that, we shouldn't underestimate him just because he's a child..." she reminded as Madeleine looked at her concerned...

Was this really the right thing?

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