History of time

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Ayo! I'm back!
Tw: Mentions of Racism. Mentions of Religious Beliefs
3rd POV
It was night time...

At time of relaxation...

After Gingerbrave had left and informed Wizard of his dream he was summoned back to the Sanctum for a formal apology...they were lucky he was a forgiving cookie and was willing to keep secrets just so that another war wouldn't start...after that, Gingerbrave decided to discuss some...

Diplomatic relations...

"A trade? With the Republic?" Oyster said intrigued by his offer. "The Republic has a lot of resources and goods that aren't naturally found in the Time Kingdom...it could really help a lot for us to be trading partners!" Gingerbrave suggested as GingerChoco lowered himself towards him. "Is that wise my lord? They are racists pricks..." GingerChoco warned. "It's alright GingerChoco! I can handle it!" Gingerbrave said as the bodyguard sighed...honestly he doesn't understand how his lord can tolerate such behavior... "Hmm...you have me intrigued, but there is one problem, what do you have to offer in return for the goods that we trade you, there's simply a reason one must 'trade' goods" Oyster stated. "Mhm...yes...Elder Oyster has a point...the Time Kingdom is rather new, what could you offer up in exchange for whatever resources you would like?" Canele spoke arms crossed. "Hmm...Not sure I can sell you food, you have plenty...Coins? Gems? Rainbow Pearls?" "Duh-uhm...Rainbow Pearls?!" Oyster asked surprised. "Ain't that worth dozens of coins in the Tropical Soda Islands?" Captain Caviar spoke. "How on earth did ye get yer hands on one of those?" He remarked impressed that this new-coming kingdom was able to get some of the rarest pieces from the ocean! "Ah! See...Me and Wizard Cookie are friends with Princess Cookie, she told us about a place in the Tropical Soda Islands that trades for Rainbow Pearls, all we meed to do is give them supplies they really need." Gingerbrave informed, "Hmm...if you have access to Rainbow Pearls then the Republic will merely sell those to the respective trades...you have yourself an agreement Sir Gingerbrave." Elder Oyster said as Gingerbrave smiled. "How impressive...I did not assume that a newly founded kingdom is capable of such an advantage! Not only do you have multiple leaders but your trading system is remarkable! I do like to visit the Time Kingdom when I have the chance." She remarked. "But that's a moment for another time...thank you for your audience with us Gingerbrave."

"I can't believe those Elders...they really don't know anything do they?" GingerChoco remarked. "Come on! Not one of those lines were discriminating! It IS surprising for a kingdom that's newly formed to have to progress this quickly!" Gingerbrave said. "We were just lucky..."

GingerChoco stared at the young lord, looking over the fountain again. "Yeah...you were lucky your kingdom had such...co-dependence...it was easy having to adapt to a new government for your cookies." GingerChoco remarked as Gingerbrave looked at him. "Look...The reason I'm a little...tense when it comes to them...discriminating you is because...well, me, GingerPeach and the rest of the Ginger Cookies are grateful for what you and your friends have done." GingerChoco said kneeling down, putting a hand on Gingerbrave's shoulder. "If it weren't for you and your friends, we wouldn't have been able to adapt to the new normal so quickly...having to follow new rules, new trade, new government, having to work together, I mean sure we do work together, but, not to the level of your cookies..." He said as he smiled. "You're a good leader Gingerbrave...and that's why...we kinda go a bit overboard when it comes to you kids." Gingerbrave smiled. "Heh, Never thought someone would say that..."

After that, they hung out, went over to the lower city, tried out the plays and the restaurants, and Gingerbrave was sound asleep by then...

But GingerCandy wasn't...

He stared against the Windowsill, Gingerbrave had left the cape unattended...it was getting a little uncomfortable to sleep in...

...The shimmering lights gave them memories...


He sighed...looking over to the door...Wizard had closed it behind him...not wanting anyone to see the ghostly figure right in front of him...he sighed...and allowed him to come near. "What is it child?" He asked as Wizard walked over to them...was it a nightmare? Shouldn't he be asleep...judging from the bags under his eyes...Espresso must've sent him back...


"GingerCandy...Saint Phoenix Cookie was a Saint in your...religion?" He asked, GingerCandy nodded. "Why so late for a lesson in religion, you don't even believe in those things...then again, you and Gingerbrave witnessed the horrible truth of our birth..." GingerCandy remarked looking down...


"How are you descended from them?"

Ah...that question...

"I assumed you touched one of the Phoenix feathers...legends spoke of certain individuals who could see the memories of its owner..." They explained. "Yeah, but you're dead..." Wizard said as GingerCandy chuckled. "Come on, you've read about phoenixes...how they basically cheat death with quick reincarnation? Technically...reincarnation...revival...something..." He said, flailing his hand around, motioning with the words. "You think death is going to stop me from shedding some feathers?" He says chuckling. "I-I see...now about my question...how can you be their descendant? Saint Phoenix Cookie didn't have a lover..." He said questionable. "Heh...that's because my ancestors originated from the Sugar Swan...Saint Phoenix wanted Cookies that would guide the devoted around and what better way than his offsprings? And though we don't necessarily guide them anymore as we used to...there's still a part of us that keeps close to that faith...it is our origins...we respect it..." He explained. "Is that all? If you're gonna ask GingerPeach if she has wings, then she'll answer yes..." He said confidently...

"Saint Phoenix Cookie...they died right? But...since they're a Phoenix who prayed to the gods to become a cookie...how come they didn't...reincarnate? How come you don't reincarnate?" He asked, GingerCandy sighed. "Well...for Saint Phoenix...we don't really know...it is said that they died and me and my ancestors whole life mission was to find the truth of their death...and if...they reincarnated...unfortunately, it's hard to tell...because since Saint Phoenix Cookie is a Phoenix turned Cookie...there's a chance that...well, he might reincarnate into a different form...as for me...well...

I never embraced my Phoenix powers." He answered rubbing the back of his head. "The way hybrids work in my family is that...well you have to choose one side...Cookie or Phoenix...I chose to be a cookie...I didn't want that whole, 'Saint Phoenix legacy' on my hands...I still respected and pull faith to my religion, I still respected and well, orchestrate family traditions...but...I didn't really...want to follow the... 'Guide all Cookies to Enlightenment path.' He remarked, Wizard's eyes widened in shock. "B-But, that's your job! Aren't you supposed to be like...some sort of Savior of Cookiekind?" Wizard asked, GingerCandy merely chuckled again. "No...in fact...I've read the scriptures a thousand times and in not one spoke of 'Enlightenment' they all spoke of 'Unity'  there was no path to Enlightenment...you can't become god but you can go to the Final Resting Place...my job is to guide and steer cookies towards the good side of their soul...and...well...unite them." He explained. "But...I knew I couldn't do that...I could try and steer Cookies to good faith, excellence and service but...I can never...make them do it for the good of themselves and other cookies..." He said staring at the window. "Not like Gingerbrave...that cookie has ways of...heh, bringing the good in cookies...for me...when I started out...the Ginger Cookies...were...not like what you saw now...they were chaotic...separated..." GingerCandy spoke. "Not one trusted the other...they only tolerated each other due to their beliefs...they never interacted, because some didn't trust another and some were scared of attachment since Ginger Cookies are the weakest Cookie Race known to all Cookies...I just couldn't see how I would unite them the way Gingerbrave did..." GingerCandy explained as Wizard looked him sorrowfully. "I gotta say...sometimes I'm envious of him...but...at least...he's doing a better job...better than I could ever do..."


That talk left a mark on Wizard...

Now did he think of it...

Did they ever really know GingerCandy?

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