The Apology...?

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3rd POV
Hollyberry tried to rush as she could but multiple cookies constantly blocked her path asking what had happened and if Dark Cacao was ok, she had to constantly dismiss them while trying to make her way towards Dark Cacao's camp. "Dark Cacao Cookie! Are you here?" She asked, looking around as the soldiers begun keeping weapons in their cases. "What is going on here?! The soldiers are packing for departure!" She asked a soldier. "His Majesty ordered us to start packing! We're riding back to the Dark Cacao Kingdom!" A soldier spoke (I know that's Crunchy Chip, but he isn't here at the moment) "What?! Show me where he is!" She spoke as the soldier led her to his tent and she sees him staring at a picture painted portrait...and swiftly putting it into a small bag he had. "Dark Cacao Cookie! What are you doing?!" She asked as Dark Cacao spoke with his back faced towards her. "...We are going back. The Kingdom is in Caramel Arrow Cookie's good hands, but even so, I cannot afford to leave the throne vacant for so long." He spouted beginning to get a case to pack all the paperwork needed. "Wait! The three of us must talk! Don't you think?! Besides, we haven't decided what to do yet!" She tried to convince reach him somehow. "What is there to talk about? It is very obvious on what we must do now with this information..." Dark Cacao spoke back still facing her, but his words hurt with spite...he couldn't believe she was trying to convince him into the thing that KILLED GINGERCANDY in the first place... "Don't you remember? We used to share all our troubles and burdens and find solutions together! Have you forgotten our friendship? Our bond that used to be so strong, time or distance could never break it?! We-" "I've heard enough" Dark Cacao cut her off.

"I can't believe you're actually considering this...friendship? Burdens? Ha-! That didn't matter to THEM...not to Pure Vanilla or White Lily...just power and reputation..." Dark Cacao explained his perspective of the situation, "You know that's not what they truly intended." Hollyberry explained looking at him trying to see if there was at least a light to this problem. If his RESOLVE was stronger than his decision. "Then what is it Holly? What is it did they truly intend for us...'Ancient Heroes' cause all I see is that...Pure Vanilla is willing to hide the truth about White Lily and never tell us until we fight her and perhaps eliminate her from the face of Earthbread during this whole debate!" He yells. "And you! YOU AND HIM, are willing to bury a fact that one of our 'friends' died and were lost to history never to be remembered again and I don't want any part of it!" He turns and goes back to packing his stuff. "Face it Hollyberry...our so-called 'friendship' was never there in the first place...Pure Vanilla and White Lily selfishly wanted something from all of us. I barely fit into your friend group and Golden Cheese was so secretive to the point that we practically believe she was hatched from an egg!" He ranted as he closed the case. "The only one with true intentions to make friends was GingerCandy themselves and you can't deny that fact!" He spoke, fighting the urge to cry his eyes out...

"I know it wasn't our best decision for keeping GingerCandy hidden...but..."

"Me and Pure Vanilla made this choice for the betterment of cookiekind..." She spoke explaining herself. "If we had told cookies about GingerCandy's existence and how his specialty was to create artificial Soul Jam, then...certainly the Creme Republic would have gotten their hands on our Soul Jam much more easily..." She said making her way towards him.

"GingerCandy would want this...would want his identity to remain matter the cost...I'm sure they would understand that..." She spoke putting a hand on his shoulder... "And he would also like it...if we remained together and not further apart then we were after the Dark Flour War..." She said...Dark Cacao contemplated and sighed...

Though she was right that GingerCandy would like that they remained friends till the end of time...he did not agree with keeping secrets that could potentially harm one another either way...especially since Pure Vanilla's whole thing is about 'Truth'

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