「 Slumber 」

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Shuichi POV

I was in my dorm, reading a book with study lamps on my desk. This is 1 am and I'm still wake up. Usually I go to bed under 10 pm, but today I can't and don't know why is it.

there was a knock on the door. I didn't think that there were still people awake at this hour of the night. Without thinking I immediately opened the door, then a short boy appeared while rubbing his tired eyes.


Kokichi. He often asked me to sleep together with the excuse of a nightmare. Even though it was just a lie I still let him into my room. I also often worry about his health, so far he never gets enough sleep.I don't know what made him unable to sleep, I, who overthinking too much, was still able to sleep soundly.

After he came inside, then I closed the door and locked it. He lay down on my bed with the white pillow he brought here.

"Why are you just standing over there? Come here and get some sleep."

His hand gesture told me to come to him. I walked over to him and sat on the bed beside him.

"Can you move aside?"

At that moment he was fast asleep without answering my question. I sighed and shifted him a little space where I slept. Then I fell asleep slowly with my back to Kokichi.


"How long have I been pretending to sleep?"

I looked up at the roof. Daydreaming until 3am. I turned to Kokichi who was fast asleep on my shoulder with my arms he hugged. I'm glad I could help him to sleep, but why can't I? My eyes don't feel tired, my body is numb. A grip pulled my hand to the side and Kokichi hugged me like a pillow.

"Sleep, dummy."

He said with his eyes closed. Maybe I just have a lot on my mind. Without hesitation I hugged him back and tried to sleep with him.


Kokichi POV

"Shit, I've shouldn't done that!"

This has already happened, what can I do? My face turned red as he hugged me and my face was on his chest. He put his head on top of mine, so I could feel his breath very close.

There was a small chance that I would die in this state or it could be that Shumai had a knife behind him and surprised me and then killed me. Maybe he has another reason to sleep cuddling with me!

Even though I thought so, I let him sleep because this wasn't the first time he let me sleep in his room. Or should I sleep on the floor? How could it be! The leader must not sleep on the floor, and I have a very good assistant!

And then I snuggle him myself, trying to put my negative thoughts off from my mind.

"Goodnight, beloved."

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"Was that a genuine one?"


Suddenly I heard his voice, I opened my eyes again and looked at him.

"Wh-Who knows! Hahahaha!!!"

I laughed and lowered my face so he couldn't see how red I was.

"Alright... Goodnight, Kichi."

He stroked my head then kissed my forehead.


Okay, I don't know what to do but just now it surprised me a little. My thoughts swirled around my head, was he on purpose? What is the reason? Is this his motive?



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