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Kokichi POV

Today was a brand new shinning day. Or so I thought. Nevertheless about being so .... Awkward amongst fifth students. Fuck, I just wanna go home and get out from this crap.

Papers all over the floor, noises around the class, and now what?
I sighed and just resting my head on my hands, watching outside of the windows. You thought that I was a loser guy who is bearing over pain through school day? Hell no, I suffered anyone who is get in my way.

"Oi! Ouma~ whatchu doin'?"

Kaede after me and hugged around my neck with her arms. She's cheerfully giving that smile, the most shinest student ever I guess.

"Oh, no, nothing yet."

I coldly answer.

I even wondered how boring my class are. Going through the same day in this shitty school, getting into fight for a no reason.

"Everybody, sit down!"

There it is. A yelling came as our teacher walks in along with a boy navy haired under a black hat. I assume him as our new transferred student, by looking his appearance and those uniform...

We all are going back to our own seat then glares on the new boy. Such a shame that he got a class in this one, I was hoping a better for him since this class is pretty brutal.

"Okay, please introduce yourself."

"Hello.. I'm Shuichi...Saihara"

"He got the emo vibe!!"

I yelled that to him. Everyone was laughing because I thought it was funny to do, but then in just second he looked down while adjust his hat.

Well I suppose he's shy or some shit idk. He immediately walked to me and goes to empty seat behind me. The mysterious vibe gaves me a chill on shoulder, a Danganronpa merch I see on his bag.

"Fanboy huh?"

My thought. The teacher starts the lesson so I turned my back and sit facing to him.

"Hey, emo boy~"

I greet him with a such funny nickname.


He keep look down on the book he's reading. I was about to warned him but a hands tapping on my back stopped me.

I looked back to the person who is tapping me, ofc Kaede it is. She asked me to keep my voice down with a hush.


Recess time. As usual, I go to canteen to get my food but again stopped by a group of guys cornering somebody. At first I was ignoring that, but then..

"New kiddo, give us your money."


The girly screams stopping my steps as I look back again to them. When I look closely, it was Shuichi, standing on his shaking feet's. Guess I have to action again.

I ran over to them and knock out one of the guys. The other surprised when I was jumping in, I punched them on face very quick before they could run away. They got easily knocked out, what a pathetic.

Shuichi fell down to ground as his hat fell off from his hat and reveal his face clearly. I bend down over to him to have a look close. I can see fear in his eyes and traumatized, that's normal to see I mean.

I picked up the hat when he was about to grab it.

"G-Give back!!"

"No. Why should I?"



He keep reaching for it so I pushing him away but not harsh.

"Just so you know, you are in incredible dangerous situation now~ I've might harming you~"

I tease him. Sunddely his eyes looking at me death stare. He giving me that scary looks and get up, standing in front of me. I looks up to him and walking closer to me with intensely.

"Woah! Woah! Hold on! I meant it as a joke!"

He didn't listen. Footsteps keep moving forward to me, closer and closer it gets.

Until my back hit the wall and his hands straight punching the wall beside my face. Shock and scared all I felt, I feel shaking on my body. After that he took back his hat and wears it, then walking away from me just like that.

He's...not a normal person like I thought.


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