「 Different 」

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[Pregame x Ingame]

Shuichi POV

Morning. Today is nothing special except for Monokuma's announcement last night. He says something about motive or whatever is that. I didn't hear them clearly because I was too sleepy that night. So to figure it out, everyone goes to gym for the motive that Monokuma said.

I can hear all those mumbles across rooms. People get anxiety during the killing game still continue. What will happen now?

"Ayyay! Morning students~"

Monokuma appears in time.

"Monokuma, what's the motive?"

"Yeah! Hurry up and tell us!"

I shouted and so Kaito are.

He walks back and forth then thinking. It takes him few minutes before he goes up to stage with a box and curtains on it.

"Are you guys ready?!"

"What is that thing?"

Himiko speak. Monokuma pulls down the curtain and revealing a person laying down looks unconscious. Everyone scream in shocked. I was about to get them free from that cage where they locked up.

I runs towards that cage and trying to save them. When it's close up, I can see them very clearly. That purple locks and dark clothes.


By the time I try to opens the lock, Maki came to me and kick hard the lock until it's broken. Although I surprised but that's not the time! When the locks is open I hurry grab him out from the cage. He was still asleep, I thought I could bring him to my bedroom and explain to him everything later.


Kokichi POV

I wake up. That's when I realize I wasn't in my room anymore. I get up in shocked, just to make sure that I'm not getting kidnapped or something.

"Oh, Kokichi, you're awake!"

Someone calling me, I turned my back to see Shuichi with different clothes and without a hat coming in. He sat down beside me on bed then gives me a glass of water. Hesitant to accept it because I don't know if he puts something in it. But whatever, I drank it anyway.

It's silence and awkward. We're both just staring off into space and do nothing. Anyway I feel weird, why is he so much different from I know?

"Hey, h-have a moment?"

I looked at him as he said that. Then he began to explain the whole thing and stuff.

Shuichi POV

He's much quieter than I expected. At the same time he's just so cute, I can't-

"Mhm, I don't mind."

Was he just say that it's okay?! Oh my- I cannot let Monokuma kill him, I need type of Kokichi like this. Sunddely I have urge to ruffles his hair so badly and he's letting me do it. I'm so happy that I giggled to myself.

"Are you okay?"

"Eh! I'm f-fine! Sorry, I patted you without your consents."

"Hmm.. it's okay, you're nice too."

With that we were talking for few hours.


Nighttime announcement playing, it means it's already night. How long we've been talking? I guess I don't know how long. I'm starting to feel sleepy, I need to sleep right now.

I lay down on bed with Kokichi on my side. He seemed tired too so I cuddled him into sleep.

"What...are you doing?"

"Aren't we usually sleep like this?"


Shoot! I forgot that he's not Kokichi I know!

"Sorry! I-"

I let go of him with embrassment. My face grows red and hot, I could feel my head is telling me to say sorry. It's not my fault but did he feel uncomfortable?!

"I haven't try that with my Shuichi. So I could say it's fine so when I'm back I'll cuddle him just like you did."


"No need to apologize."

Kokichi gently patting my head to comfort me. I fell to the bed and grab my knees to chest as I'm hiding underneath the blanket. Kokichi lay down while he's cuddling me like a little ball.


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