chapter 102: Save Our Baby!

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Sara p.o.v

Watching our baby from the window as she was laid next to other babies felt so good, I couldn't help to admire how cute she looked from far. All I wanted was to kiss and hug her.

But then suddenly I remembered what Nadia said to me the previous night, I couldn't explain why she was doing this she seemed so ruthless and cold.

I didn't even know that zaid was staring at me the whole time, he asked me what was wrong, in my mind I tried not to say anything but I knew zaid wouldn't let it slide unless I told him.

I told him about Nadia and what she said and he looked furious but promised me not to worry about it because he won't let Nadia hurt anyone.

For the time I was being with my family, I noticed zaid was always on his phone except when he was with me alone, I was curious of what he was planning but I didn't want to question him.

By the time I was being discharged, dad offered us to stay with them, but zaid was too quick to decline the offer and told them that we were staying in his villa and that Simran and her husband were expecting us.

Dad didn't want to push it but rather he said that we were welcome to visit him anytime we wanted.

So we left and drove to the villa which was far fro the city, as we were on the road I asked zaid if he told dad about what was happening, he stared at her and said that he wasn't going to risk telling him or he would be worried.

We finally reached our destination and I couldn't help to admire the house, it was big and a whole family could fit in.

As we got out of the car, I saw Simran and Max at the door, they both welcomed us as we entered the house, Simran took me upstairs where her baby was,it turned out that zaid planned to keep the babies in one place and it was big for both of them too.

"Hey sara, I don't know if this is the right time to ask but have you fully regained your memories? And also do you by any chance remember that time when I ended our friendship?"

"I don't think no, also whether I do remember or not I know we were only teenagers and now we should only focus on the future because the past is destined to forgotten so no hurt feelings ok"

"Sure you're absolutely right, we should focus on the future now that we are both mothers don't you think?"

"Yeah I do, I never actually thought that I would live to see this day but Alhamdullah am happy to be here with you like we promised each other remember?"

"Yeah I do remember on our nikkah ten years ago after we graduated from high school"

"Yeah until the unexpected happened we were drifted apart due to misunderstanding but I guess fate has other plan for us and here we are what we planned did happen"

"Yeah it did happen and by the way how's your daughter doing?" I asked as I looked at her sleeping.

"She's fine,she's always sleepy and barely awake isn't she adorable?"

"Yes, she is I bet she will take after you"

"Oh really what makes you so sure about it?"

"I don't know, it's a gut feeling, she will be playful , funny and creative just like you"

"I would really love to see that, guess what Max once thought that I will give birth to a boy and I argued with him saying that our first born should be a girl guess I won"

"Wait wait ,you're telling me that you bet on your baby before she was even born?"

"Yeah so what? He was the one believed the doctor when she said it was a boy when we went for ultrasound but I didn't agree with them"

"So what did he do when he found out it was she and not he?"

"Well it turned out that, I won and he whined claiming that he was joking and it didn't even matter what it was going to be as long he will love her forever"

"He must have hated losing because he doesn't allow to lose to anything no what it is"

She agreed and we both left the babies to sleep and the others who were downstairs.

As we walked down, we heard what zaid was saying to Max, I really felt bad knowing that he was willing to protect us from his ex no matter what.

We both looked at each other and agreed not to say anything and pretended that we were talking as we saw them hiding something.

They immediately changed the topic and asked us if it was ok to host a small party, I knew they wanted to distract us from worrying about anything so we agreed.

The following week we hosted a party tasmiya the ceremony for our babies where we were giving them names is, I named her salma it means peace where's Simran named her daughter siara which means pure.

I named my daughter salma because it was also my mother's name, even when she was dead I thought of her every day and that name will be alive in my heart and calling my daughter that name will make me feel like am calling her.

Things were happening great for days, we were enjoying it peacefully, we went for a walk on the beach, went shopping and we were happy for a while.

Until one night when I went to see salma in her room, as I tacked her I noticed she was sweating badly, she couldn't sleep and was crying continuously, I was so worried that I had to wake zaid up and rash her to the hospital.

We informed Max as he was still awake and was still working, we managed to take her to emergency room and I couldn't stop being worried, as we waited Yasar was trying to calm me down.

Soon a nurse came and gave us a prescription without the baby and when we asked about salma she said that a nurse was supposed to bring her to us but it turned out the worse.

"My baby is kidnapped?" I asked and yelled as my heart raced.

"Don't worry babe, we will find her, I promise "

Soon bodyguards and security were running around looking and locking the doors but unfortunately she was nowhere to be found.

We looked at the security footage and saw a woman in a nurse's uniform leaving the hospital with a baby.

I couldn't figure out who it was but the way zaid banged on the table showed that he knew the person.

"I can't believe she managed to get away AGAIN " He clinched his jaws.

"Do you know her?" I asked.

"Yes sara, you may not remember her but she's the one who was threatening you that she will hurt the people you care about "

"You.... mean... she's NADIA?!"

My heart skipped a mile, as tears fell down my cheeks, I didn't know that she was going to do this.

"Please, please save our baby, I don't want to lose her I beg you" I cried as I silently prayed that she wouldn't be hurt or worse be killed.

"Nothing is going to happen to her believe me sara, she won't hurt our baby ok" he said as he hugged me tightly.

"Please Allah help me, i don't let anything bad happen to my baby "

Zaid called the police,Simran and Max came as soon as they could.

As I was talking to the police, zaid's phone rang he picked up and put it on speaker as he was told by the police.

The person who called was none other than......

Tasmiya- baby naming ceremony

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