chaptr seventy four:Marry Sara?!

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Max   p.o.v

I couldn't help to stop thinking about Simran that night, when she was sleeping peacefully on my bed.

I  don't know what to do. I was so angry at my mom for lying to me this whole time.

It never crossed my mind that my life was a lie. I thought getting married to Simran my mom's choice, but instead it was a business deal between her and her parents.

The most recent thing that happened, I couldn't understand why she would use the word marriage in order to get a deal.

I seriously didn't get her. I tried hard to forget the incident that happened between us but how could I.

I sat beside her, staring at her while she had her beauty sleep, I couldn't stop smiling at the fact my patience finally paid off. There wasn't a time I wouldn't stop praying that someday I will reunite with her.

I was brought back from my thought when my phone rang and it was a call from the office. Normally I  ignore it if it wasn't emergency but I picked it up anyway.

The person from the other side wasn't who I expected to call, it was my mom again. I guess she wasn't satisfied with my answer when I rejected the offer.

"I know you didn't expect me to call you but I hope you have  thought about what I said son"

I don't know why you keep insisting that I should accept the deal. I didn't want hurt my mom neither Saleena.

They both were important to me so  I thought of a plan and I finally found one I told my mom I would meet her in her office in couple of hours.

By the morning I was ready leave so as   to see  her again even though i still had doubt she may not agree to the idea , I didn't want to worry Saleena since she had enough going  on in her life.

I gave her a kiss wrote her a note and left her a red rose on top of my pillow. When I got to work my mom hadn't left I guess she wasn't going to drop the idea.

I greeted her and sat the opposite side of the room and she was still sitting on her desk.

Later we were joined by her personal assistant and she was asked to bring some documents and a cup of coffee.

I was doubting whether to tell her or not. I was going to tell her when suddenly we were interrupt ed by her assistant again.

"Excuse me ma'am, you have a call"

"Thank you Tasha "
When she left, she answered the call and she didn't even hung up so I took the opportunity and went to the cafe since I didn't have breakfast.

When I reached there I ordered for a cup of coffee and sandwich, as I was about to drink  I saw a figure  standing in front of me. I looked up and it was Tasha.

She asked if she could join me so,I nod my head in agreement. Little did I know I felt her hand on mine. I guess she wanted my attention, I looked at her hand then her.

"Is everything okay with you and your mom"

"Why do you ask?"

"Is just that you look worried ,I know it's none of my business but I thought you might need someone to talk to"

"No I don't but thanks Tasha"

I guess she didn't expect me to be that cold.

She seemed embarrassed and left,I saw her walking to another table with another girl probably her age. I just shrugged off and left after paying.

I didn't know what to expect but the minute I entered my mom's office, I saw  her facial expression change to sad. She put her phone down and looked at me questionably.

"Are you ok mom?"

"Did you by you by any chance spoke to the girl I was talking to you about?"

"What do you mean by that mom,I don't know who you're talking about "

"You might be shock when you find out who she is"

"So, Just tell me already who she is, is she someone I know?"

"Yes Max  she is none other than Sara Abdul,her dad just spoke to me and he dropped the idea and told me to cancel the deal"

Wha....what do you mean by her dad?it can't be!"

"Yeah it is I hope you're happy, for once I thought I would be able to save your future but now..?"

"I can't believe you mom,you wanted me to marry Sara after you knew the truth, am trying to save my marriage and you are here yelling that I had ruined everything for you?"

"That's not what I meant I just want to save our company don't you get it?"

"I do mom but not like this you can't trade me mom,I came here to try and solve the problem but now I don't know what to think"

"I only did what's best for you and us"

"Don't try to lie mom,I know what you do it's only for your own benefit"

I stood up and left the office and didn't look back. Once I left the building i looked at it as if it was my last to come again.

I got in my car, I was driving to zaid's place  when I got a call from Simran telling me that she was going to be hospital and  zaid  was admitted.

Before I could ask her what happened the hung up and I changed the route to the hospital.

As I got out after finding a parking spot, I saw Simran coming out. She waved at me and started walking when all a sudden I saw her losing consciousness. I ran up to her and carried her back.

She was admitted to a room, I didn't know what think, I was pacing around when I saw Saira coming towards me, I pretended not to see her and kept looking at Saleena from the door.

When the doctor came out he told us not to worry and that everything was fine in order to ignore Sara I asked the doctor that I wanted to talk to him.

I looked at Saira and she seemed off some how, I saw her leaving then I thanked the doctor and went to Saleena's room.

I was glad nothing was wrong but i still couldn't forget what my mom said. She wanted me to marry Saleena's best friend they might not have solved there difference but I wasn'tgoing to hurt her,especially knowing that I had to keep my promise to her.

The next day both her and zaid were discharged, I was glad that she was busy with zaid. I didn't want to stress Simran so I would avoid seeing her and got myself busy.

I was talking on the phone when I spotted Simran and Sara in the living room talking I was surprised because last time I saw them they barely wanted to talk  or look at to each other.

Could it be that they have forgiven each other, it would be great for both of them.

I was going to talk to Simran when I suddenly heard her telling Sara that she was going to be an aunt which meant that I was going.....

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