Thirty nine:Why are you back?!

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Sara p.o.v

I stared at her body, as the nurse covers her head. What is happening to me.

"Why am I always suffering, what have I ever done to deserve this".

I asked myself questions that I couldn't answer. I touched her and she was as cold as ice.

I couldn't believe that she left alone when she promised me that she will always be my side.

But now she is lying in this bed covered. She can't say anything because She's dead. I drop tears wishing it would work a miracle to bring her back but alas!it can't do anything.

No matter how much I cried, holding her.

Screaming at her it didn't help. The nurses came to tookher away. But I wasn't ready to say goodbye.

One of them held me tight as they took her body to a room and put it in a place. I guess it was where dead bodies are kept until the owners come to pick it up for burial.

I stood there staring at nothing while I shade tears of pain. I remember whenever I felt lonely Simran would always be by my side. And now I have no one am all alone in this world.

As I was thinking about what happened earlier in Simran's house. My phone rang and I thought maybe it was her but I was wrong. It was jane I couldn't believe after what she did she had the nerve to call me.

"what do you want?"

"I just wanted to know if you wanted a place to stay."

I couldn't understand what her problem was. I mean she wanted to destroy Simran all because she wanted Max. And the end she made Simran end our friendship. And here she is asking me if I wanted a place to stay.

"Leave me alone, jane."

"None of this would have happened if you didn't interfere."

"You thought that I would have let you hurt Simran?."

"Listen  to yourself jane, tables do turn and it will soon be your turn. I can't  believe because of jealousy you have ruined our friendship."

I cut the call because I didn't want her to know about my mom's death even though I knew she wouldn't care. I left the hospital and went home.

I used to stay with Simran  because she insisted that she will feel happy to see me there all the time and I would keep her company since she's always by herself while her parents travel.

Now I got no friends, I was walking on my way home I could hear people laughing inside their house. While I stare at mine and I hear nothing.

The lights are off. I opened the door and I meet darkness. I feel cold and hungry. I realize I have no food in the fridge.

I change my clothes, I start walking around the house. It's like am here for the first time.

Because it's been a while since I came here. Now there's nothing but memories.

I looked at the couch and I see my mom there helping me with homework. Simran there as she and I chase each other. I laugh at it but then it disappear as I try to touch her.

I went to my room and I again see Simran standing there smiling with a cup of ice cream  at first I  thought she's real, because I remember a time when she would spend the weekend in my house.

I try to sleep but I can't because I still can't believe that she left me alone in this forsaken world.

First it was da... I mean him. I don't even know what to address him.

He left me without any explanation of what was going on between him and mom.

All I remember was him walking out with his suitcase and saying that he hopes that some day I would forgive him.

What's there to forgive seriously, I went to sleep still crying and probably judging myself.

The following day, the sun was shining it felt so good.

I smiled at it, I saw her and she was smiling at me. I smiled back the next time I opened my eyes again she was gone.

I guess I have to except it right. That she is gone for good and she will never come back.

I prayed for her, even though it was still unbearable.

The neighbors came to give me their condolence. And my neighbor Mrs Ali whom I grew up around her and a very good friend of my mom. She insisted that I stay at her house for a while as I get back on my track.

"Hey Mrs Ali, can I ask you something."

"Sure my dear, what's it?"

"Did you by any chance know about my mom's illness?."

"Yes dear, I did know."

"But how come I didn't notice any thing, she looked healthy and strong to me."

"well.... Maybe she was hiding it from you and didn't want you to get hurt."

"But she did hurt me,she never told me anything."

"Dearest sometimes parents do things that they think it's best for their kids, I know you won't understand now but some day you will."

"I guess so."

"I think there someone who wants to see you."

I wonder who it is, I left the kitchen and followed her. I was shocked to see the person standing at the door. I didn't want to believe my eyes.

"No,I can't be you're a dream."

But the person who was there just smiled and he spoke to me.

"hey, sara it's good to see you again Sahra."

"it's... You.... Are... Not... Real."

"its me honey am home."

The next thing I know I lost my conscience. I later wake up surrounded by ladies from the neighborhood who are either friends of my mom or just colleagues.

As I was helped to sit up because I was lying on Mrs Ali's legs. I guess she caught me when I fainted.

I looked around and I realized that he wasn't a dream after all he was real and was standing there in the corner looking at me. I walked to  him and asked.

"  Why are You're back?! But why now?."

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