chapter sixty:I need you

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Sorry for the late update 🙏

Zaid  p.o.v

I couldn't understand why she made such a decision about saving jane  when  we all know that she was to be blamed for what happened to all of us.

I wanted to talk to Simran but she was nowhere to be seen. I saw Jake, Tara and Sean talking to each other so I went to look for Simran.

I was walking around the hospital only to spot Max and Simran outside the hospital sitting on a bench and they were talking. So I let them be and walked back to the waiting room. 

I was  still thinking about Sara and what made her do that, I mean there could any other donor but she decided to do it herself.

What if she couldn't save her or even put  her life in danger. I couldn't  fight the thought in my head.  So  I decided to distract myself  I thought of going to the cafeteria.

I was asking for a direction when suddenly I saw a familiar figure opposite the entrance of the cafeteria,

it was Sara standing with Nick it looked like he was blocking her way and she wasn't comfortable.

I wanted to walk upto her but she sat with him as he points  to a chair. I walked past them to get some coffee.

As I was waiting for my drink I looked at  them  and saw that she was angry about something and Nick was about to hold her hand and she removed it.

Sara was going to stand up but suddenly lost her balance and luckily I caught her before she fall to  the ground.

I don't know what made me smile, was it that  I was carrying her in bridal style or that she hide her face on my neck because people were staring at us as we pass the corridors.

We finally reached her office so I put her on the couch and looked for an ointment  to apply on her leg. What she said next got my attention.

"You don't need to pretend to care for me when we both know it's fake "she said as I applied it on her leg. I couldn't believe that she said this.

I know that I have hurt her but I don't think she should use the past to hurt us  both.

We argued for a while only for her to make a decision that broke my heart into million of pieces. She said that the love I had for her was all fake and she wanted a divorce.

Those words led me to do something that I didn't take a second to think. I kissed her but she tried to push me so I hold her  hand to stop her from pushing me.

But what surprised me was that she kissed me back and it was the best moment ever.

After the kiss  she pushed me back and looked at me and had a tears on her eyes. She shook her head.

"Just because you kissed me  doesn't mean I will not ask for a divorce "she said as she limped towards her desk.

"What do you mean Sara you kissed me back and don't deny it " I said not accepting her words.

"I haven't denied anything zaid  but I want to be free from you can't you see that?" She asked as she gives me an envelope.

"Why are you doing this Sara,why can't you believe that we can start over and make everything right?" I said hopping she would agree.

"No , no zaid  am done wishing for everything to be fine and telling you to just give my freedom how hard is it for you my God?!" She said as she walks back to the couch.

"Same way it is for you I know that what I did was wrong and am so sorry . Forgive me for saying this Saira but I won't fulfil your wish I made a promise to your mom of which I intend to keep I will never and I mean NEVER WILL I DIVORCE YOU MY DARLING " I said as I got closer to her lips.

"Why why not you know very well that our relationship has no meaning at all and what promise are you talking about huh! Oh! You mean the one you made to my mom don't make me laugh Yasar if you really meant to keep your promise you wouldn't have kicked me out of your life so stop making excuses and sign the papers."
She said as she point to the envelope.

"You don't know how long I have waited for you to return so that I could tell you how much I regret hurting you and kicking you out of my life I have waited for nine years Sahra which was so painful for me.

And I seriously never thought that your words would be true. And most of all hearing about your mom's death it was painful to take it in" I said as I remember the day I found out the truth about jane.

"You don't know how hard I tried to forget that night to be honest it was both happy and sad for me. For the happy part I was going to get married to you which I did and the sad part I lost everything that night" she said as she wipes her tears.

"I know you are in pain and you don't know how much I wish to take away the pain but all I know is that I need you Sahra and I will never stop loving you no matter what because even if I sign those papers it won't be able to stop me from fighting for you." I said as I took the envelope and walked out of her office.

As I shut the door I saw Simran standing there with a wide eyes open. I didn't say anything so I walked away.

As I entered the elevator she followed me in.

"Shouldn't you be with Tara why are you following me?" I asked as I open the envelope.

"What do you have there and for your information she has Sean and Jake by the way what were you doing in Sara 's office I saw you carrying her" she said looking at me curiously.

"It.. it's jus....just that she... She lost her balance so I helped her" I said not knowing why I sound nervous. And the fact I enjoyed kissing her a while ago. I know something must have happen to make her behave so strangely.

The big question was if I was ready to sign the divorce papers or not because deep inside me I knew one thing and that was I need her more than anything....

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