Thirty Eight :Revenge Done!!

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Jane p.o.v

My plan on destroying Simran was on the line. Now that I know she and Sara will have engagement party held in simran's house. It was a golden opportunity for me to do it.

I made an excuse to her,saying that I couldn't come because I had to pack up for my college. And I wasn't feeling good because I was invited to a party the previous night.

I made sure that I was in her house though because I wanted to see what will happen to her.

"So Sara,be prepared for what it is going to happen to you."

I disguise myself with a mask and made my way to Simran's house. I texted her and warned her about not letting her enemy marry her brother or else she will regret it.

I watched her from far as she looks at her phone. All she does is just lock her phone and helps sara walk down the stairs.

As  zaid helps sara wear the ring,I take the opportunity to send the pictures to Simran.

She looks at her phone and that's is when she gets angry and slapped Sara's hand until the ring falls from her hand.

Sara looks at Simran that's is when the drama began.

I decided to record the whole scene since it was catching everyone's attention. At the end Simran asked Sara to leave her house. All this time the photographers were taking pictures of what was happening I bet it will be the talk of the town for a long time.

Sara tried to talk to zaid  but he was so angry that he even tells her that she was nothing to him anymore. As he pushes her towards the door she slips and hit herself but he just looks at her as she stands up on her own.

She looks back as some people starts whispering to one another, she just smiled through her tears and looks at zaid she shakes her head and walks out as she limped.

But before she leaves Sara warns Simran that she will regret ever doing what she did. After that she  left, the guests were kindly asked to leave because there wasn't going to be any wedding.

As everyone leaves, I went back home and decided to watch the video again.

I felt sorry for  her it was her fault.

If she hadn't heard about my   would have been married by  now but  she was way too protective of Simran and now she is paying for the crime I did.

As I was watching the video, Tara walks in my room. She looked so angry.

"what's with you?"

Seriously jane i thought you would be over with max but i guessi was wrong right?" She looked disappointed at me

"why are you looking at me like that?"

"You know why."

"If I did, I wouldn't have asked you."

"Oh really?"


"You know when you told me that you gonna make Simran pay for what she did i assumedyou were joking but now i don'tthink i even recognize at all jane what happened to you?."

"You wanna know tara, she stole the man i wanted to be with and now she paying for it fu** i even included that so called sara to rake the fall because she..she found out about my plan now she will payforeverything" i laughed at Tara as she looked confused by my confession.

"I thought you said it because you were angry but now I have seen what you are capable of."

"You know  that i always  get what I want i even joined cheerleading to get close to him at the end he chose her over me"

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