chapter seventy five: Betray!

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Zaid p.ov

I woke up in a room and I didn't know how I got here, what I remembered last was I locked myself in my penthouse and I would avoid picking up calls from work.

To be honest I never missed work no matter what happens but this time it felt like nothing matters anymore especially now that I was going to divorce Sara.

I don't remember the last time I even had a proper meal. I feel like I can't do anything at all and my hands are wrapped together.

Seeing Sara again felt like I had hopes again but the way she behaved with me so coldly made me angry and worried as to why sudden change.

Accusing her was the worst thing and I know I was to be blamed for how i behaved that time but now am ready to do anything to get her back.

I still don't understand what the reason was for her to make such decision such as divorce I mean we could have at least try to make our relationship work. Max  and Simran were doing it.

I know Sara is hurt knowing that she had lost everything including the loss of her mother which still hunts me till this day.

I should at least try to understand her pain instead of being selfish and only think of myself. I should know what it feels like to lose someone you love.

I was busy with my mind trying to figure out how to solve my issue when I remembered her words "fulfill her last wish" which got my attention, who was she referring to?.

As i was thinking while looking outside the window as night approaches.

I heard footsteps and I looked at the figure it was Sara, she seemed worried as she walks towards my bed.

Probably thinking of me not expecting her to be here.

We happened to have a conversation until to a point where she mentions the divorce I somehow felt like someone punched me in the guts.

I wanted to tell her to forget about it but instead she said that she was drop it and she had a reason behind the it.

I wanted to know what the reason was but she refused to tell me, instead she asked me to stay with my mom until her last days. Which was something I couldn't understand.

I know my mom and I had our differences, ever since her husband came into our lives,everything changed my mom wasn't the person I once  knew.

it's like she was replaced with someone else who looked like her. She was constantly busy and had no time for us.

Luckily when I was old enough I left home despite my mom asking me not to.

It all started when my so called step dad thought that he could control my life I was so angry and fed up with his attitude so I left.

When my dad died it was hard for all of us especially Saleena she was young and was dad's princess. Life was hard but we managed to get through it.

When I moved out  I started my own business which I was able to prove him wrong  as he always told me how useless I was.

The next day I was discharged as Sara and I were coming out of the hospital, I saw Max  and Simran were also there.

I wondered what happened to her did something happen. I approached them and they told me that Saleena fainted but there was nothing to worry about.

I realized that the four of us we were going to my mom's house which I almost forgot about.

When we arrived my mom welcomed us as if we were there for the first time. She asked us to freshen up she will see us in a moment.

Simran went to her room with Max and I went to mine with Sara.

It was the first time she was in my room since she only used to see Saleena's room most of the time.

She was busy walking around looking at the things in my room while I was busy staring at her presence wondering if things were different back then I wouldn't !have missed her like I have for the past ten years.

We were interrupted with my mom knocking on the door as I was about to ask Saira something.

So i open the door and there stood my mom with a try on her hand which had breakfast on it.

It reminded me that I was so hungry. I was surprised that she was the one serving us instead of asking the maid to do so.

I took the tray from her and put it in my coffee table which was across the room, I thought she was going to leave but instead Sara excused herself before I could even say anything.

I looked at my mom wondering if she said anything to her. Her facial expression change to sad I wonder why. She sat on the couch and gestured for me to sit down.

"I don't know if you will ever forgive me for what am about to tell you I feel like I have betrayed  you but try and understand me ok?"

"What are you  talking about mom,I don't get it"

"Um..... ten  years ago when you were about to get married to Sara, I...I  found out that I had brain tumor so i asked Saira to divorce you after few months of your marriage but instead y..."

"Wait.. . What .... are you serious you..?"

"Zaid   please let me finish you haven't listened to  me let me talk "

"How could you be so heartless, How could you think of that mom,I thought you wanted me to be happy but  instead you were planning to separate us for real mom?"

"I just wanted to spend my time with you is that hard to ask?"

"No mom,it's not but you should have told us at least we would have thought of something and what made you think  that.

I would spend my life with you because I wouldn't be able to live without you and you know that just because I moved out didn't mean I was serving ties with you and Seher it was because of your husband and we both know that "

"Is there any way you could forgive me son please I promise I will never come between you and Saira in fact I wish you both happiness"

"There's no need for that,I now understand what Sara meant what she said"

"What do you mean, did she tell you ?"

"Tell me what? "

"So she didn't I guess she wanted me to tell you myself"

"What do you mean and what does she know?"

"The thing is that I found out that Sara came back one day when I heard Simran crying.

I went to see her and asked her if she  still had feelings for you and she said yes so I made her promise to divorce you and to never come into your life"

"Is that why she was so cold to me and Simran because of you, you  made  her to do all this  despite telling you she loves me what were you thinking? "

"I guess you could say am selfish but all I wanted was to have my kids with me"

I couldn't believe she could stoop so low I wanted to punch something,  I was so furious so I got the glass table and it break. My mom jumped to the other side and my hand was bleeding.

I didn't know why I did it maybe I was angry so much that I didn't even think of my actions. I looked at my hand and at the door there stood Seher and Sahra with there hands on the mouth shocked.

" What did you do to yourself?"

"All I know is  I don't  want to hurt you anymore"

"I can't believe you allowed someone like my mom to made you choose between me and her and you chose to get yourself hurt just to make others happy how could you Sara?"

I didn't wait for her to reply so I stormed out of the house not caring about what's going to happen....

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