Forty-three :New Family

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Saira p.o.v

Seeing him inside my house, it  was as if I am looking at a stranger. He looked different from how I remembered him.

On the other hand, I was both angry and frustrated that he suddenly appeared in my life now when I have been wishing for him to come back for years.

And now he suddenly showed up after I lost my mom.

He seems so different, it's like I couldn't even recognize him at all. Mrs Ali left and so as the rest.

I was all alone with him. I don't even know how to address him.

Because ever since he walked out of my life, I got used to his absence even though I would miss him sometimes even during my performances in school my mom was the only one who filled my empty heart but she's no longer with me.

And am here with a man whom I don't want to have any relationship with whatsoever.

"How are you doing sweetheart?" He asked as though he never left.

"I'm sorry are you talking to me?" I asked sarcastically as I was beyond angry just because am his daughter.

"I know you are angry at me for what I have done. But please listen to me." He pursued me

"Listen to you? Are you being serious right now?"

"Sara honey please, let me explain my reasons to why I left."

"Don't you dare for a second think that I will let you call me that or any name because you have no right to be called a dad either so please just STOP" I yelled at him.

"You have every right to be angry,but if you listen to me this time at least you will understand me."

" Understand you? Are you for real ? Do you even hear yourself?You know what I won't listen to you, and I want you to get out of my life like you did beforeJust leave. Forget you once had a daughter."

He stood up and stared at me and then left.

I  felt pain treating him like that  but he  did to me was worse. I couldn't stop crying  that night, everything around me reminded me of mom.

I was both angry and frustrated with the way this life was treating me,  first I lost my mom,my bestie and my husband.

And now my da... the man who once abandoned me came back.

All those times I was visiting mom, I would hope that he would come and see me or at least support me during those tough times but I lost hope after waiting for him.

I grew up admiring his relationship with my mom. But he broke my heart by choosing to leave me and now all of a sudden he wants me to listen to him and for what? to hear more lies. I wasn't ready to let him in anyways.

One month later, I received a letter from the University of New Zealand and they gladly accepted me.

I was busy preparing myself to leave when I heard a knock on the door.

At first I thought it was Mrs Ali who probably came to say goodbye to me, she was always looking out for me as if I was her daughter.

When I opened the door I saw him again it seemed like he wasn't ready to give up yet.

"I thought I was clear with you when I asked you to leave me the bloody hell alone."

"I know you did but am sorry to break this to you am not leaving here until you listen to me Sara."

"You won't give up right... Fine then make it quick because am gonna be late."

"What?! Where are you going?"

"Do you even care? Just say what you wanted to say and leave."

"Alright then,can I at least come in?"


"Sara before you judge me I want to tell you that I loved your mom so much that it truly hurt me when we found out that she was suffering from cancer."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She began losing conscious most of the time,I asked her what was wrong, but she told me it was nothing to worry about. So one time I found her lying in the kitchen and blood all over her hands, I thought she had probably cut herself  but her hand wasn't cut anywhere.

I rushed her to the hospital and that was when the doctor broke the bad news to us. He said that there might be chances of survival if she had surgery but she didn't say anything.

We came home that evening and she told me that I had to accept Allah's plan and that she wasn't going to have surgery, I tried my best to convince her but she refused to listen to me I even asked her to tell you but she said that you were too young to understand."

"And that's what let you to have a fight? But then.... Why did you leave her with me all alone why didn't you stay. How could you have been so heartless?"

"Yes, we got into argument,  am so sorry Sara I guess I was a coward and wasn't ready to watch her die. I hope you will forgive me and know that I will always love you no matter what"

Listening to him telling me all this made my eyes in tears I have lived my whole life judging him and thinking that he hated us and him leaving again was something I didn't want to live with.

He was about to go when I called him he looked back  and I ran to him and hugged him tightly as if I was scared to lose him.

"please don't go, I need you now more than ever"

"Does this mean you have forgiven me?"

"Am not sure about that, but if you want to leave then am going with you"

"Really, you have no idea how much I have missed you"

He was happy and so was I. He told me that he was married and that he wanted me to go and live with him not just for him but I had no one with me this time around.

I told him about my letter and he was happy to know that I was going to New Zealand to study which was also where he lives with his family.


When I first came here,I was surprised to see that he lived a luxurious life. He had securities standing all around the house, and near the entrance  there were different types of cars in a line.

I was so tired due to the flight but looking at the luxurious life I was wondering how many rooms were there in this house because it was triple times than Saleena's but then I realized that I shouldn't have mentioned her name.

But who do I blame I was so used to her but anyway I should forget my past bury it in a forgotten grave.

He introduced me to her as my new step-mom her name was Maria. He also had two kids names were Yasmin and zain . I was kinda scared of her because mostly people say that step-moms are Devils disguised with Angels face.

I wonder what she will do to me when my dad is not around. She looked like a kind person to me and what surprises me the most is her eyes. They resembles my mom's. I really miss her so much.

And what got me more curious was she looked like someone I once saw before but I couldn't remember where.

I hope that it doesn't turn out to be as miserable as the life I ones lived. Crossing my fingers.....

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