32.[Where He Comes To Terms That The Pot Calls The Kettle Black]

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[Phoebe-At her Parents House]

I killed the headlights on August's car as I sat in front of the house. It was mid-morning and I just couldn't go to sleep without confronting them. I just couldn't. My mind and my nerves were millions miles apart and I was going insane thinking about what I would say to them. To her mostly.

It's weird that everything is happening now, I just couldn't lay ,my head another night without knowing the truth and if Averie really was my Mom. I had always wanted to know who she was, wanted to love her and for her to be there for me so why would I stop and think about it. I couldn't let it soak in, I had to know now.

I looked at my hands and they were shaking. I knew it was now or never. I pushed the door open heading straight for the Front door. Banging on it.

"Get down here and open this door Mom!" I shouted banging the door knocker. I knew they were both heavy sleepers and they wouldn't hear me but I continued to bang. I didn't have my purse, meaning I didn't have any keys.

"Daddy!" I pounded on the door, repeatedly as my voice echoed in the still of the night. I was nervous wreck. Afraid the truth would be a stab to the heart.

The double doors unlocked and it slowly opened. "Consuela pulled it back, looking at me like I was deranged.

"It's so early in the morning, is something wrong?" She asked me and I nodded my head then pushed her aside. "I need to see my parents Consuela."

She closed the door travelling behind me.

"They're sleeping. Don't wake them, he was not feeling very good today."

I stopped in my tracks turning to her. "What do you mean he wasn't feeling very good today, the Cancer is gone."

"Yes, yes it is. But he have heavy coughing and lots of wheezing. No good."

I exhaled, shamming her off before I attempted to run up the stairwell towards their bedroom.

"Are you going to wake them?" She asked whispering behind me.

"I need to see them. Now. Don't you understand?" I snapped at her, speedily walking towards their doubled doors, turning the knob flicking on the light.

"Wake up!" I exclaimed walking all around the room turning on every lamp. Consuela stood there with her hands lapped.

I felt my eyes begin to sting and I didn't know why I was crying. I think I was prepping myself. The drizzle before the thunderstorm.

Mom began to move around, as she held unto to Dad, shifting with those pink rods in her hair. I stood still and my hands shook. "Wake up! Right now, right now , right now! Get up!"

She began rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, as she sat up against the head board trying to reason.

I N D U L G E N C E (August Alsina) Sequel The Second ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now