Who's blood is that then?!

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(Trigger Warning: This chapter includes mention of self-harm and suicide.)

Billy's POV:

After Steve and I beat the shit out of Jason, he started begging for us to stop. He had a black eye and blood covering the rest of his face, but never in hell would I feel bad for him. A crowd of people had gathered behind us, watching the scene unfold but never interjecting, obviously fearing us.

I knelt down next to Jason, taking another drag on my cigarette and blowing it into his face. He coughed a bit, and I grabbed him by his arm, lifting him up on his feet. Steve stood next to me, arms crossed and knuckles bloody.

"You never answered Steve's question, Jason."

He just looked up at me, giving me a death glare.

"Why don't you tell these nice people here what happened up there?" I asked with a smirk.

I grabbed him by his collar, throwing him in front of the crowd.

"Go on," Steve encouraged with a smirk as well.

"I was... hav.. ..ex-"

"Louder," I demanded, leaning against the wall, crossing my arms.

"I was having sex!" He shouted, "Happy?" He asked, turning to us.

I just replied with a smile, turning away and facing the door.

"Let's go, Steve."

As Steve followed me out he asked, "Where do you think she'd be?" Referring to Y/N.

"I don't know," I said bluntly, still pissed.

"Well, let's go to her house first."

I replied with just a grunt as I climbed into my car. Steve stood outside my open door, looking lost.

"What are you waiting for? Get in." I said as I slammed my door. Steve ran to the passenger side, and the engine purred to life as I raced out of the driveway.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Steve asked, facing the windshield, avoiding eye contact and looking as if he was trying to hold back tears.

"She'll be fine. She's a tuff girl, and Eddie'll take care of her," I said, trying to comfort him a bit.

"Yeah, you're right. And Eddie's a good guy,"

"A pothead, but a good guy," I said, making Steve darkly chuckle. He was still very worried.

When we arrived at the house, Eddie's van looked very hastily parked next to Y/N's motorcycle that was thoughtlessly laid on its side, something Y/N would never do.

I quickly parked my Camaro and ran to the door, swiftly followed by Steve. The door was left open, and when I shoved it more, I saw Eddie sitting on the couch, his clothes with bloodstains and a bloody knife in his hand. He looked up at me, and I charged him.

I grabbed him by his collar, pulling him off the couch as he dropped the knife.

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled.

"Nothing! I didn't touch her!" He yelled back as his eyes watered.

"Dude!" Steve shouted behind me, grabbing my shoulder. "Eddie, wouldn't do anything like that!"

"I would never hurt her!" Eddie shouted.

"Who's blood is that then?!" I demanded.

"It's hers, but let me explain-"

"Who hurt her?!" I screamed.

"She did..."

"Wha- What are you talking about?" I stuttered, dropping Eddie.

"I found her in the bathroom covered in cuts. She wasn't trying to kill herself, but she... I don't know, man." Eddie said, grabbing fist-fulls of his hair.

"Where is she now?" Steve asked.

"Upstairs in her bed. I bandaged her up and stopped the bleeding. She was really tired and insisted I not take her to any hospital. Oh, and she asked me to tell you guys that she's 'really sorry.'" Eddie said, sitting back down and keeping his eyes on the floor.

"I'm going upstairs," I said as I started walking.

"No, please," Eddie said, grabbing my arm. I glared at him, and he let go.

"I'm sorry, I just- I think she needs her rest."

"I'm not going to wake her up," I said and walked up the stairs without another word.

When I arrived at her room, I slowly opened the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. She was on her bed as Eddie had said, her blanket was pushed off onto the floor, and her room was freezing. She was still in her ripped dress, bandaids covering her wrists. I noticed the open window, the same one I used to sneak in through.

* * *

Y/N was my home away from home. Growing up with a complicated family like mine, it was hard to have stability, but Y/N was my anchor. My father and I would get into fights a lot, usually, over the girls I was seeing or Max running off. The first time that my parents found out Max was gone and that I had a new date, Neil flipped out and beat the shit out of me.

The first place I went was to Y/N. As I was walking to her house, knowing her mom wouldn't be home until around 10 PM, I thought of an excuse I would say to her. I had it all ready in my head. I would've said, "Hey, Y/N. Max is gone, and I need to find her. I thought she might be here."

But instead of that, I was at a loss for words when she opened the door. She lightly touched my face, noticing the bruises and my split lip, which I hadn't even realized I had. She immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me into her house, sitting me down at the dining room table. She ran upstairs, and while she was gone I looked around the house. It was pretty messy, and a lot of the stuff looked cheap. The kitchen was the messiest, with food and cups everywhere. I guessed Y/N or her mom didn't have much time to clean with both of them working.

Y/N then came back with some medical stuff and started cleaning me up. Once she was done, all I could say was: "Thank you."

And that's how it started. Every time my stepmom and dad would fight, or Neil would fight with me, I went to Y/N, and she fixed me up. Y/N was also there for me when my dad would kick my drunk ass out.

One night after I had too much to drink, Neil got so pissed he threw me out of the house. I stumbled to Y/N's house and snuck to her window. She opened to and shushed me, reminding me that her mom was sleeping downstairs. At the time her mom didn't work two jobs, unlike now when her mom is barely home for her lunch break.

I tried my best to be quiet that night, but it was so hard not to tell her about everything. After going on some stupid rant about nothing, I just observed Y/N. She had been listening to me the whole night, her eyes were dropping, and her hair was a mess. She reminded me of my mother, my beautiful, kind mother. And that's when I slipped. She tried to ask me "What do you mean?" but I just brushed her off and asked if I could stay the night. Y/N agreed and said I could use some of her blankets. That night I slept on Y/N's floor, listening to her breathing.

* * *

While I was thinking about that time, I noticed Y/N starting to shake a bit, so I put the blanket back on her, carefully trying not to wake her up. Then I slowly closed the window and sat down on the floor, leaning my head against the bed as I listened to her heavy breathing. She managed to calm me down right away, again, by just breathing.

A few minutes went by, and I heard the door slowly open. Steve stepped in, followed by Eddie, and without a word, Steve sat down in Y/N's chair, and Eddie sat on the floor, leaning against a wall as they both glanced at me and sympathetically nodded. I put my head back and closed my eyes, knowing Y/N was safe for tonight.

~ ~ ~

Hey, it's Nora!

This chapter was a mess, but I hope you enjoyed it! <3

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