Let the games begin!

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Y/N's POV:

The next couple of days were the most awkward days of my life. During school, Billy, Eddie, and Steve would follow me around, practically stalking me to make sure I was okay. It was getting ridiculous.

They all very much hated each other but stayed quiet about it when they were with me. I could tell they were trying to ignore each other, but it just made things so much worse.

I got so many looks in the hallways. Then came the rumors. The first one was the worst. Everyone thought that because I apparently 'slept' with all of them, I was pregnant and didn't know who the father was, hence all the 'stalking'. The second rumor was that I had something against all of them and was manipulating them, like blackmail. And the third: They were all madly in love with me, which, to be honest, didn't seem far from the truth.

During the weekends, they would almost take turns staying with me. I couldn't tell if they were communicating, but it was too weird how they came one at a time, whether it was Steve knocking on the front door or Eddie/Billy climbing in my window.

On Thursday evening, I decided to go to bed early and locked my window. The next thing I knew, Billy was banging on my window with the excuse that it was freezing outside. I was getting so exhausted.

The day after that happened: Friday, I went to school and ignored them all, refusing to look at or talk to them.

They all did their usual thing of following me everywhere. I was getting so annoyed I just went to the bathroom and stayed there, hoping they would disappear, but while I was in there, I listened to them talk for once.

"Okay, this is getting out of hand," Steve said. "None of us are helping Y/N whatsoever."

"Agreed." Said Eddie. Billy just grunted.

"What is your guys' deal with Y/N?" Steve asked. "Like, do you all love her or something?"


"Ohhh, so you do." Said Steve. "Alright, then we can all agree that we love Y/N."

Billy and Eddie grunted.

"HA!" Steve laughed. "You guys have no chance. You know how long we've known each other?"

"Shut up, Harrington. You've seen how the girls cling to me." Billy said quite aggressively.

The bathroom doorway didn't have a door. It just looped around so you couldn't see inside past a wall, so I went around the wall and leaned against it. None of them noticed me as they continued bickering even while I was only a few feet away.

"Why don't you two just be quiet?" Eddie said.

"Shut up, freak," Billy said under his breath.

"Wow, that's the best you've got?" Eddie asked sarcastically.

"Oh, come on, pretty boy. I doubt you even like girls." Steve said with a chuckle.

And that's where I drew the line. I cleared my throat, and all the boys quickly turned their heads to face me.

"Shit," Eddie said under his breath. "How long have you been there?"

"The whole mother fuckin time."

They all just stared. I rolled my eyes and shoved past them. As I went to turn the corner in the hallway, I noticed none of the boys following.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I'm not going to drag you with me."

They all just stared at me, Eddie giving me an almost apologetic smile. Then they started walking. I turned around to face where I was going: the drama/theater room.

B+E+S = ♥? | Billy, Steve, and Eddie X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now