A Perfect Day

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Y/N's POV:

"Y/N!" Jason exclaimed.

I slammed the door towards me, holding the doorknob tight in my hand, keeping the door closed.


"I've been looking for you."

"You have?" I asked, confused and suspicious.

"Yeah, I wanted to apologize. You know, about Saturday..."


"Chrissy and I. It doesn't matter. She doesn't matter."

I gave him a disgusted confused look as I let go of the doorknob and stepped away from the door, walking up to his face.

"And you get to decide that fucking Chrissy doesn't matter? That Chrissy doesn't matter? What is she, another object you can take for a test drive? Use like a little bitch. And you think that an apology is going to make up for that?"

He was now really mad.

"Well considering that you almost broke my jaw and had your minions come after me and try to finish the job, you should be the one saying sorry before I make you."

He came up to my face, glaring down at me just like my father.

I couldn't speak.

Then I heard the door creak and strong hands firmly grasp my waist. Billy and Steve stepped in front of me, Billy on my right and Steve on my left.

"You wanna say that again?" Billy asked, his voice angry and raspy.

Jason took a step back as his eyes filled with fear. He smiled and laughed nervously.

"Come on, guys. I was just joking! I would ne-"

"You better fucking run before we really break your jaw this time," Steve threatened.

Jason smiled a bit, "Got it," And he took off running, tripping on his own feet.

"You okay?" I heard Eddie whisper in my ear as he rubbed my waist.

Mmm, butterflies...

"Yeah," Now I am... "Thanks, guys."

"Of course," Steve replied as he turned to me with a sweet smile.

Billy let out a sigh. "Damn, Stevey-boy, I was really looking forward to beating the shit out of him again," Billy said with a grin as he leaned against the doorframe, smiling.

"Maybe I won't mind you guys stalking me anymore," I said with a giggle.

"Yeah, it's nice to put that asshole in his place," Eddie said behind me, his breath caressing my neck.

Can't wait for his week.

I shuffled out of his grip in front of the boys.

"So, what's next?" I asked, and they all laughed.

That day was much better. The boys talked to each other more and weren't such asses, Jason was terrified of us, and I felt like the queen of Hawkins High.

After school, I didn't have much to do. Billy had offered me a ride home, but I couldn't because I had to take my motorcycle. I could also tell that Billy was trying to get a headstart on his week, especially because his dumb attitude had magically vanished.

B+E+S = ♥? | Billy, Steve, and Eddie X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now