Chapter Six: If Anything Can Go Wrong, It Will

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Wilson Johnson

I could practically feel the energy moving through my veins. Man, it felt good to be outside! To see the sun, feel grass under my feet. It hadn't been a week, but Fawkes had decided to let me out of the prison. Ha! I thought proudly to myself. I told Amy right! And I had. I had repeatedly told her I would not stay locked up till the end of the week, which was just too long. And I hadn't.

​Thinking of Amy dampened my delight. I had done my best to convince Fawkes to let her come with me outside, but that big idiot said, "No, she can stay inside with Marie and Melody. Me and Alan and Daniel will go out with you." What an idiot. I had almost decided to just stay with Amy, but she wanted me to go out. I guess I had been a little easy to persuade, but I didn't think she was really all that eager to come outside. She was pretty content being in the warehouse-apartment. Besides, sooner or later she would get to come out.

​"Nice out here huh?" Daniel smirked at me, making me want to punch his lights out. He was doing all he could to remind me that he had been outside before me. "The sun's a wonderful sight isn't it?"

​"Yeah, I almost went blind, having to look at your face 24/7," I said back. I could tell I got him good, which made me smile victoriously. He was about to say something, but Fawkes cut him short.

​"Come on Wilson," Fawkes said, "You wanted to come out here, now stop messing with Daniel."

​"Don't worry, I don't wanna mess with Daney, I might end up breaking his face," I retorted. Daniel's eyes went black and he came right up to me. I knew he was reminding me how short I was, which irritated me even more. I hated being short! Sure it was okay for Amy, or any other girl, to be short. But not me! Not a guy.

​"You better just watch it little boy," Daniel threatened. I gave him my hardest glare, but didn't take up the challenge (which I would've loved to). I was supposed to be having a good time, not fighting with Daniel. So I walked away, which was hard for me to do. I knew Amy would've been proud of me if she was here but (darn it!) she wasn't.

​The warehouse-apartment was only maybe twenty or so yards from the ocean. The beach looked awesome, and the water was clear and blue. I wanted to just run out into the water, but I decided to wait for when Amy was with me to do so. For the moment, I decided to just check out the trees and field opposite of the sea.

​The field formed a half-circle around the building. I wondered if someone had cut down some of the trees in order to make room for the warehouse-apartment, and the thought seriously creeped me out for some reason. Beyond the field was a forest, and in the distance tall, large, ragged green mountains. Curiosity kicked in and I wondered what lied beyond them. Savage animals? People? Nothing? I was dying to know, and I figured now was as good a time as any to find out. Sure, Amy wouldn't be with me, but if there was something dangerous over there, than I didn't want her with me. I didn't want her to get hurt.

​"Where you going?" Fawkes asked as I started down the beach, away from the building.

​"It's probably easier to get to the other side this way than over those," I answered, pointing at the mountains.

​"We can't go to the other side," Alan said.

​"Why not?" I retorted.

​"Well, we're not prepared," he said, "We don't have any food or anything."

​"I got a backpack with some things we can take," Daniel suddenly said. I knew he was just as eager as me to see what was on the other side and realized that (for once) we agreed on something. Without Fawkes' permission, he ran inside to get the pack. Fawkes watched him go but said nothing. I was surprised actually when the only thing Fawkes said was, "Daniel! Tell the girls they're to stay inside; it may take a few days before we get back. They can eat and do whatever, just don't overload it." Talk about insanity! I could hardly believe Fawkes even said that, but he had and Daniel was quick to deliver the message. Once again, I thought about bringing Amy along, but I shrugged the notion off. Fawkes had already made himself clear she was to stay, and she would be safer in the building anyway.
​When Daniel came out, carrying a large backpack, he had a big grin on his face. That was a first for everyone.

​"Ready for our little trip guys?" He asked. I nodded. Already we had forgotten our spat just earlier. Or rather, pretended to forget.

​"Let's do this," I smiled. We walked down the beach.

​Hours into the trip and we had covered a lot of land. We mostly ran, or went at a fast jog. It was a nice, relaxing time. Finally, we were free. We had no responsibilities, no girls to compete for or guard. Nothing. Even Fawkes-Fawkes!-was having a great time! I had never seen him without a scowl on his face, but at that moment he was scowl-free.

​"Jeez, it's hot," I panted after some time. It was very hot out, and we had no Sunscreen or anything. That, and my shirt was getting uncomfortable, with the damp, wet areas under my armpits and on my chest and back. ​
​"Anyone want to go for a swim?" I didn't wait for a reply and just took off my shirt, my shoes and socks, and my jeans. I looked over to see what the others were doing. One by one they took off their clothes too. Without a second thought I took off my boxers and ran into the cool, refreshing water. The others quickly followed suit.

​"Should've done this earlier," Daniel said dreamily as he paddled through the water, which was pretty warm. Fawkes murmured in agreement.
​I couldn't help but take a look at the others. I was not surprised when I saw that Fawkes was basically just one large muscular mass. Of course, if I had been as tall as him I would have had a pretty good chance of knocking him out. But, still, I decided it was best not to get into a fight with him. Daniel was a little slimmer than Fawkes, but he also looked tough and strong. Alan, on the other hand, was more on the chubby, non-muscular side. I guessed that was why he looked uncomfortable around us.

​"Aaahh!" We all jumped at the sound of Alan's cry.

​"What? What?!" I exclaimed. I was nervous (not scared) at whatever had caused him to scream, but I was also a little annoyed.

​"I stepped on something!" Alan said. "Ouch, it cut me!" We all got out of the water, in case it was a shark or something. Really though, I thought it was just a puny shell that cut him and that he was being a big baby.

​"What you step on?" Fawkes asked, looking in the water for anything suspicious while putting back on his clothes.

​"I don't know!" Alan cried.

​"Oh stop crying," I said, annoyed. I looked at his foot and saw a small, little cut that was bleeding some. "Well, you can't just keep walking like that. Hey Daney, did you bring any Band-Aids in that pack?"

​Daniel ignored my nickname for him and reached into the backpack for some Band-Aids. He picked one up and tossed it to Alan, who quickly put it on and put a sock over it. ​

​Now that our swim had been cut short (thanks to Alan) we got our clothes back on and continued our journey to reach the other side of the island. Hours went by and soon the sun was setting. I was exhausted, I'll admit it. So it took me a few moments before I realized how beautiful everything was. The beauty of the island against a sunset background. I felt a sudden urge for Amy to be with me, so that I could show her the serenity of it all.

Amy... I felt warm as I thought of her. I liked her; I figured that out days earlier. She was just such a cute, little, sweet girl. I liked her curly hair, her large brown eyes, and her sweet nature. I was not sure if she liked me back though. Sure she was nice to me and hung out with me all the time, but I wondered if she just thought of us as friends. I had made her blush twice, once when I first said hi to her, and again when I laughed at her for saying "thrice". But I hadn't meant any harm, and I knew she knew that. It was actually kinda cute when she blushed...

​My thoughts were cut short by a loud scream.

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