War Log #25: The Giant Wakes

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United States - Brooklyn Bridge Port Yard - August 20, 1944

On the early morning of August 20, 1944, All of the Allied ships are docked at Brooklyn Bridge Port Yard

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On the early morning of August 20, 1944, All of the Allied ships are docked at Brooklyn Bridge Port Yard. This is after American tug boats have taken ahold of the two captured German ships, they're then sent to the Brooklyn Navy Yard to research on the technological advancements the German Navy has.

KMS Tirpitz and KMS Prinz Eugen are now on drydock for many onlookers to see German ships in their own eyes rather than watching it in new reel films. At the same time, the United States Navy and the Army took all the German sailors including the temporary German officers as POWs, joining the other captured Japanese POWs.

All of the ships are now docked to which they're ordered by the two Admirals from the two monstrous battleships that captured KMS Tirpitz and KMS Prinz Eugen back in August 12.

On Pier 8, USS Lexington (CV-16) was docked, with the two battleships docked on Pier 9, then USS Alaska and USS Guam on Pier 10, and the two British battleship mainly HMS Howe and HMS Vanguard docked on Pier 11. Everyone was taking a long rest on the Pier warehouse with spare double-decker beds placed for any sailors to take a rest.

The only ones that are on the Port are the Admirals of the ships including the Captain. They met in an office to have a discussion on the reply that the Admiral of the USS Iowa has told them about.

Ad. Valluard: I'm very much confused on what is going on.

Ad. Alaskio: Yeah, they requested you to join the US Fleet? Did they happen to saw your ship's firepower?

Ad. Valluard: I don't know, probably the fact that I sunk a German battleship and German light cruiser back then.

Ad. Guamo: Yeah, me and Ad. Alaskio had sunk KMS Admiral Hipper and KMS Admiral Scheer on Tromso Coast, that is where we saw the last of Scharnhorst before you and your fleet sank it.

Ad. Valluard: I guess they're watching me.

Ad. Howia: Cheer up Ad. Valluard, they might be curious about you and the ship as well.

Capt. Lexy: Yes, when it comes to recruitment, curiosity boils in making it new opportunities.

Ad. Valluard: But they only asked me, not you Ad. Howia so there is a chance that only I will join or you will join with them as well.

Ad. Howia: Well... I don't mind that.

Capt. Lexy: Yes, much to the shocking reveal of the 2 battleships, I believe that they're from the Iowa-class battleships.

Ad. Valluard: The Iowa-class... hm... How many are there?

Ad. Alaskio: There are 6 of them, if those 2 are from the same class, then you have met the powerful battleships in our nation.

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