Alternate Log #8: Krauts and Armate

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New York City - Great American Nazi Reich - September 19, 1962

Obergruppenführer John Smith was in his office, taking important work in the current Nazi Reich government. He was a bit not himself as he looked at the window reflecting on the current problems that are happening right now.

Increasing activist groups against the Nazi regime were happening all around the Nazi-occupied states, more killings and minor wars are happening all around. The fall of most areas in the north part of South America were spread throughout creating this hope in liberating America. Mexican and Brazilian forces occupied most of South America with Argentina the only contender for the resistance group.

Nazi-occupied Canadian territories tried to gain intel from the "Free Canadian Forces" which are making secret communications with other resistance groups ended up killed or arrested as Canada is protecting their borders from both the Japanese Pacific States and American Nazi Reich.

He was also reported that his son, Thomas Smith has contracted a type of disorder which is Landouzy-Dejerine Syndrome which is uncurable and worse, if it was heard throughout the regime, it would be a "defect" as the party and government didn't liked that.

Then, the assasination of Oswald Mosley, the 3rd Reich's only "British" ally in helping conquering Britain was dead.

Ireland as of now was quiet as well as a major problem.

Whilst tensions grew in both the Empire of Japan and the Nazi Reich Empire (3rd Reich) in mainland North America, tensions grew between the Reich and the Italia Empero or known as by former leader Benito Mussolini;

"The 3rd Roman Empire"

To which after the war, they took most of Africa, the Mediterranean, and Israel. Knowing what the Germans are doing, Mussolini decided to preserve their existence, even though his own regime isn't doing what is right. 

When the Reich wanted to do a massive overhaul landing of the Mediterranean Sea, the Italian Empire hated it and disagreed with it. When the Germans tried to make a concentration camp, the Italians blew their project up saying that this is not what the Italian Empire wants. Italy made alliances with Israel to fight against Germany in case of the Germans invading Italian territory.

Tensions between the former allies, like Japan, grew in Europe, where it all started.

As he was reflecting and thinking of the rising problems, the Captain came in to announce him about something important.

O. Smith: What is it, Captain?

Nazi Capt: Sir, Oberstgruppenführer Heydrich has just enter the building.

John Smith was a bit surprised by this.

O. Smith: Heydrich? Are you sure?

Nazi Capt: I'm surprised by this as well, sir. But he was on his way up now.

John Smith a bit hesitant by meeting the German Oberstgruppenführer, he then gives the captain a reply.

O. Smith: All right, send him in.

???: No need.

The man interrupted, then he arrived at the door, greeting in his finest Nazi armband and leadership title as the Oberstgruppenführer with many medals from his service in the Reich in Germany, he then taps the floor with his boots and greeted with all formals.

O. Heydrich: Here I am.

Obergruppenführer John Smith then lift his right hand as his greeting to the German  Oberstgruppenführer.

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