Alternate Log #1: An Un-Familiar World

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Grand Theater - Location Unknown - News Reel

In a quiet and empty theater with only a number of 9 people watching what seems to be a news reel of some sort plays in the screen. It then plays something untrue about what lies in the peaceful theater.

The film then shows a  brightful morning with recordings of the beautiful landscapes as the sun rises, marking a new day. This was then followed by recordings of human everyday lives as well as the new technological advancedment they discovered, then how everything is normal, okay, and all in favor of the government.

"It's a New Day."

"The Sun Rises in the East."

"Across our land, men and women,"

"Go to factories and farms."

"Providing for their families,"

"Everyone has a job."

"Everyone knows the part they play,"

"Keeping our country strong and safe."

"So today, we give thanks to our brave leaders,"

"Knowing we are stronger and prouder,"

"And Better."

"Yes, it's a New Day in our proud land."

"But our Greatest Days, they lie ahead."

"Seig Heil."

At the end of the news reel, it reveals it to be a propaganda film about the new day. Then, the Flaf of the United States of America flows in the bright morning sun, showing a good and new day for the country of America. But when the blue rectangle reveals with its red stripes, instead of the Stars that signifies the States, it was replaced with a white "swastika."

The flag that flows along the wind, wasn't the Flag of the United States of America. 

Something was wrong.

A man from the audience then walks out of the theater only carrying a bag which contains some important documents.

The theater was silent, unlike the once noisy theaters. There are people, but only talking in minimum volume to which only whispers and murmurs can be heard. The man then walked out of the Grand Theater, to which it seems that everything is normal, guards watching for anything suspicious, people walking on the sidewalks, cars driving by and parking on each side. However, it seems a bit too dark, even with the streetlights shining brightly in the night sky.

He then walks to New York Times Square, although it seems normal with the same routine as everyday people, the billboards around the buildings are a bit odd.

The billboards showed what seems to be Japanese and German related jobs, technologies, and food. But most billboards are all propaganda from Germany. It was then revealed, that, New York Times Square was filled with German Propaganda. It doesn't look like New York at all.

Greater Nazi Reich - New York Times Square - August 21, 1962

The city of New York had changed over the years, so many changes were made compared to the 1920s back then. The New York Subway as well as the New York Light-Rail System was demolished in exchange for a "Boring" monorail system.

The man who left the Grand Theater rode the empty monorail seemingly heading to his midnight shift in his job. 

He took his stop on the U-Bahn Subway and walked past the American Secret Police. He then went inside his job. Which was Lariat - Shipping & Moving - 4112. Though the outside was filled with cardboard boxes and papers, the inside was different. It seems to look like a mechanical facility where mechanical parts are made with others looked like guns and ammunitions.

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