Chapter 9

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Lee looked at him surprised. "I- wasn't gonna fuck you ya know." He said sitting next to him. 

Choi looked away pulling at his wrists. "I-I know, I-I just… today has been rough." He said simply looking away. 

Lee rolled his eyes. "Really? Today was rough for you?" He asked,  getting up and taking the cuffs off. 

Choi looked at him confused. "W-Well yeah, I mean the teacher even gave me a fake detention to try and fuck me." He said, looking at him. 

Lee rolled his eyes again. "I had to watch you walk around and get undressed by everyone in that fucking school and you had a rough day?!" He said angrily. 

Choi looked at him surprised. "I don't have to listen to this." He said angrily and got up. 

Lee looked at him angrily. "Seriously? Seriously?!" He said angrily. "I had to walk around that school and watch everyone you pass get hard ons!" He said angrily. 

Choi rolled his eyes. "And I can fuck with any of them but I fucking with you! You should be proud of that! You have me, not anyone else!" He said angrily. 

Lee sighed angrily and walked over and Grabbed chois chin. "That's right, you're mine. You will always be mine. No one else can have you." He said angrily, tightening his grip. 

Choi looked at him worriedly and he pulled at the other hand. "Lee let go." Choi said seriously. 

Lee laughed and pulled Choi close. "What are you gonna do?" He asked angrily. 

Choi looked at him angrily. He tried to pull away but got pulled closer. His fight or flight kicked in and he crouched quickly grabbing the other hand and pinning Lee to the floor. "I said let me go." He said angrily about having Lee in an arm lock. 

Choi quickly got up angrily. "You don't tell me what to do, you don't get to be angry over the way I look, and you sure as hell don't get to dictate who looks at me you stuck up prick." He said angrily before grabbing his stuff and leaving slamming the door. 

Lee blinked surprised and got up off the floor. "Hot, smart, knows how to handle himself, and has standards." Lee chuckled. 

Choi signed angrily seeing Jase come in. 

Jase looked at him. "Trouble in paradise?" 

Choi looked at him. "I really don't have the time for this Jase." He said simply grabbing his stuff. 

Jase looked at him and went over. "Hey, hey, calm down." He said softly. "Idc if you're dating my brother I'm still your best friend you can still talk to me." He said, helping him sit down. 

Choi sighed as he sat down. "He's just being intense. He wanted to do some stuff and I've had a rough day so I didn't want to and he got mad." He said simply. 

Jase looked at him and frowned. "What made your day so rough hun?" He asked, looking at him. 

Choi sighed. "I forgot my box this morning so I went to school without it. A-And it didn't go well. Everyone found me w-well let's just say, Mr Kai made up an excuse for me to be in detention where he went on to flirt with me. And Nate, you know the guy that's been bullying me for years, yeah he flirted with me too. Along with most of Lee's friends and you know everyone else in that damn school." 

Jase blinked, hearing him and sighed. "Yeah, I can see why he'd be upset about that. I mean I know I'd be upset, I have to admit I do feel a bit of jealousy but it'll be okay. Just wear your box again." 

China sighed looking at him and chuckled. "Easier said than done, everyone's seen my face so they know what I look like they'll all keep doing it." he said simply. 

Jase chuckled and stood up. "I guess you're right, here let's get you home huh?" He asked, helping Choi to stand up. 

Choi looked at him and nodded. "Yeah thanks." He said simply. 

Jase nodded and grabbed Chois things. "Here let's get you home." He said with a smile.

Choi nodded. "Yeah thanks." He said getting up. 

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