Chapter 10

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Jase brought Choi home. "Do you wanna come up stairs and play a bit of double down?" Choi said with a smile. 

Jase blinked a bit and chuckled. "Are you sure? I know things might still be rocky after the last time." He said simply. 

Choi waved his hand. "It'll be fine as long as you don't tie me up on my bed." He chuckled. 

Jase seemed uncomfortable and looked away. 

Choi looked at him. "Right, too early to joke." He said before opening the door and leading the way inside and upstairs. 

Jase sighed as he looked around. "Dude yes, I love your room space is fucking sick." He said laying down. 

Choi chuckled and laid down too. "Yes! Remember when we took that 3 hour drive to see the planetarium? It was awesome!" 

Jase chuckled as well. "Yes! We totally need to do that again!" He said with a smile turning to him. "But you know what else we need to do again?" 

Choi looked over at him. "What's that?" He asked with a smile. 

Jase smirked evilly before tickling Choi. "Tickle monster!" He yelled, tickling him. 

Choi laughed loudly. "S-Stop it!" He cried out as he was tickled and laughing. He eventually grabbed Jases wrists, flipping them where he ended up straddling him. "I said stop!" He said with a laugh before looking down at him, he blinked realizing there position and blushed deeply. 

Jase looked at him and smirked. "Well so much for not liking me like that, huh blushy boy?" He asked with a chuckle. 

Choi looked at him surprised. "I-I just said that because of Lee." He said, looking down at him. 

Jase blinked a bit before chuckling. "So you do like me like that?" He asked grabbing Chois wrists, sitting up he moved chois wrists behind his back his other hand pulling him close. 

Choi looked at him surprised and his breathing hiccuped. "I-I." He looked away embarrassed. 

Jase smirked. "You couldn't have told me ya know, I mean we've cuddled a hella lot. That day, where Lee kissed you. I was actually planning to tell you." He said simply pulling Choi closer. "I was gonna ask to kiss you." He said simply into Chois ear. "So?" 

Choi blushed deeply hearing him and gulped a bit. "J-Jase I-" 

Jase sighed and moved Choi off of him. "It's alright." He said before getting up. "I should probably just go." 

Choi blinked a bit and got up quickly. "Y-You don't have too." He said, looking at him. 

Jase looked at him. "I should, if I stay I might just kiss you." He said simply with a chuckle. 

Choi blushed a bit. "Stay." He said looking up at him. 

Jase blushed a bit and dropped his bag going over to him and pulled him close. "Then can I kiss you?" He asked, looking down at him. 

Choi blushed a bit hearing him, he looked surprised before just kissing the other. 

Jase chuckled into the kiss gripping Chois hips tightly. 

They continued to kiss making their way over to the bed where Jase picked Choi up before sitting down on the bed. He broke the kiss and took off Chois shirt. Jase looked at all the other hickeys. "He shouldn't be allowed to do this." He said in between kissing the other moving his way down Chois neck. "Can I leave some baby?" 

Choi covered his face with an arm wrapped around Jase's neck. "Y-Yeah, you can." Choi said, hiding his face in the crook of the other's neck. 

Jase chuckled and bit down harshly on the others neck. He held it for a few moments pulling away. "Awe pretty boy with my bite mark on him." 

Choi blushed deeper and looked away, a soft sound escaping when he felt the other do it again. 

Jase lifted Choi up, laying him on the bed. "Pretty boy, pretty pretty boy." He said with a smile brushing hair from Chois face. "I've wanted to kiss you since we were in 3rd grade." He said before lifting him up. Jase was sitting on his knees, his knees pressed up against the bed board.  He sat Choi on his lap holding chois arms behind his back, and Choi leaned up against the bed board as well. 

Choi looked at Jase very blushed before looking away.  "T-This is compromising." He said in a shaky voice as he looked away. 

Jase chuckled deeply looking at him. "Isn't it beautiful?" He asked simply with a smirk looking at him as he began to run his free hand up his shirt. 

Choi blushed deeper looking at him, his breathing hiccuped feeling the other hand and he looked away, tensing a little when Jase ran his fingers over his nipples. 

Jase chuckled looking at him. "I barely touched you." He said doing it again and watching the others reaction. He laughed softly. 

Choi looked at him and blinked a bit surprised he looked away. "D-Don't laugh at me asshole." He said, looking away. 

Jase chuckled hearing him and leaned into his ear. "Oh come on baby, don't be like that. I wouldn't laugh if you'd let me fuck you before Lee does." He said, running his hand down to Chois pants. 

Choi looked at him surprised. "I- Jase you know you can't-" He gulped feeling a hand in his pants. "S-Stop that Jase." He said, looking at him. It made him realize. "D-Damn it, what have I done?" He started. 

Jase sighed and let Choi go getting up, he was pissed, upset. "Seriously?" He asked simply. 

Choi sighed looking at him. "I'm sorry, okay? As much as I want to, I'm still dating your brother. I-I can't do this." He said simply. 

Jase looked at him surprised before going back over kissing him again. 

Choi blushed and pushed him away. "J-Jase no, I mean it." He said, looking away covering his face. 

Jase sighed angrily. "Seriously?! You just said you wanted to, now I can't?!" 

Choi looked at him surprised. "Jase, I'm your brother's boyfriend. I can't." 

With that Jase left quickly in a rush, angry as shit. Choi sighed and laid down, he had now made out with both brothers in his bed. 

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