Chapter 13

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Yeonjun smiled and drove them back home. He parked and opened his car grabbing chois things for him. Luckily chois mom was home and they walked in. 

Claire chuckled. "Seems like you two had a fun day. You know if you wanted to take my son to his favorite place I would have sent you money." Claire said simply. 

Choi looked at his mom surprised. "I-I have money upstairs, I was gonna pay him back." He said with a sigh. 

Yeonjun chuckled. "Trust me I need no payment here choi take this stuff upstairs." He said with a smile and Choi took his stuff to his room. Yeonjun looked at Claire and smiled. "Hi my beautiful ex mom." He said hugging her tight. "I was upset when I heard you didn't tell him I was coming back." 

Claire chuckled. "I wanted it to be a surprise." She said with a smile. 

Yeonjun sighed. "Can I ask you something Claire?" He asked simply. 

Claire blinked and nodded. "Of course, of course, anything." She said it sounded serious so she helped Yeonjun sit down. 

Yeonjun gulped. "I didn't just come back to visit, I came back cause… I'm in love with choi." He said simply 

Claire nearly spit out her drink. "That boy really does get more men than me. You know he's got a boyfriend though." She said and sighed. "But if you really love him you should fight for him." 

Choi began to walk downstairs but stopped at the stairs hearing Yeonjun. 

Yeonjun sighed. "I know and he was over today and I got really jealous. He was working at the restaurant I was gonna take Choi to for dinner and I got so jealous I pulled Choi out of the car. And Choi and Lee are having issues right now. And Choi said he was gonna break up with him." He said simply. 

Claire chuckled. "Then it's perfect, I would love for you to go out with my son really. You are his ideal match in my opinion. And I think it's his as well." She said pointing over to choi. "I'll give you two the room." She said getting up and going to the kitchen. 

Choi looked over at him, blushing. "Y-You were jealous earlier?" He asked, blushing. 

Yeonjun gulped looking at him and sighed, rubbing his nape nervously. "I really was, I just got so mad over it. You're not even my boyfriend." He said and nervously chuckled. "As much as I want you to be, I'd never say that while you have a boyfriend." He said simply. 

Choi looked at him blushing. "I guess I should break up with him then, huh?" He asked simply with a smile. "I'll give him a call and have him come over right now." He said, grabbing his phone. 

Yeonjun looked at him surprised. "Seriously?" He asked, blushing. "Don't, don't leave your boyfriend for me." He said simply. 

Choi sighed and went and sat down. "I'm not leaving him for you, you're the last of my reasons." He said simply before calling Lee. "Hey Lee, can uh, can you come over? There's some stuff I wanna talk about." He said to him, 

The phone call soon ended and Lee soon came over.

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