Chapter 14

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"Canary!" sobbed all the children.

They huddled close to me and cried their tears out. I can't help but feel emotional too.

Then shouts and screams were heard at a distance.

It seems the teachers and students finally noticed the fire. The messy footsteps and a very loud crying can be heard too.

"My friends are dying! they're dead! huhuhu" Clydel wailed.

That's a bit hurtful when he said's true we would have died inside if we were all normal children.

He went close to us and I found out that he brought over a Military Soldier...where the heck did he get a soldier inside the school???

The Soldier, James Pylle, He's a general judging from his medallions. Having spotted us below the blazing window. James took quick action to evacuate us to a safe place away from the fire.

He then controlled the situation and mobilized his soldiers to help evacuate any students or teachers inside the room. Fortunately, no one else was inside except for us. James asked a teacher to send us children to the hospital and call our parents or guardians.

The teachers tried to pry one of the children away from me, when the child, Daniel grabbed my hair! A fistful of MY hair! The nerve!

God I'm about to go bald! Child, I know you're dependent on me now, because of the incident but there are many things you can grab! my uniform? my arm? Why my hair?!

So...they had no choice but to bring us in the ambulance all together.

When we arrived, doctors lined up at our entrance, doctors, nurses, and...what I hate the most, a therapist.

Most therapists I've encountered from my past were a sham! Maybe it's just my bad luck...

We were treated as a group in one whole big VIP room. Yeah. The kids are still holding on to me for dear life.

Especially Mordred, he's been holding my left arm ever since we jumped off the window sill. He feels guilty about what happened.

Earlier, when the therapist asked us about what happened, no one spoke a word.

Well they're not one to spill the beans so they had to make space for us to breathe.

"I'm sorry...because of me..." sniffled Mordred.

"..." everyone was silent.

I looked at the dirty faces and smoked appearance of the children and discerned that they knew who started the fire...

And seems to me they don't hold any anger nor grudges to Mordred.

"Well, we survived so everything's fine isn't it? My motto in life is 'What's done is done'." I spoke in a mysterious way to amuse them.

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