Chapter 16

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"Let's talk in the other room. I don't know about you all but I care about the mental stability of children." James coldly spoke.

Bothe the teachers and parents left for the other room after they left the children in the hands and care of the nurses and doctors.

There were 12 beds divided evenly on each side of the walls. I laid on the last bed near the french window. The nurse told us earlier that I only suffered some 1st degree burns and can be alleviated with some ointments. Luckily, I can still wear a bikini! 

My Girl got herself some priorities.

I was about to doze off when James Pylle came back. I don't know what he and the parents came to a peaceful conclusion, the faces of the parents and teachers seemed of that relief.

He softened his face trying to look abit friendly and said, "You're all brave children. Because the incident was caused by my child, I'll let him apologize to you, all. I am sorry as well, for it is partly my fault too."

"I'm sorry…" Mordred apologized for like a nth times.

I turn my back against the people on the door intending to sleep and get some rest but a part of me wants to listen to their talk. So I just laid by my side and glanced at the french window while quietly listening to them.

A teacher kindly asked Clydel how he got out, "Clyde…can the teacher know how you got out of the classroom? Did you have the key to the door?"

Then he answered, "I didn't have the key, Canary told me to go through the window and look for an adult."

"Canary? what else did she say?" Added the teacher.

The children enthusiastically replied one by one.

"She said to cover our mouth and nose with a wet handkerchief!"

"And she told us to build a staircase made up of big books and chairs!"

"She said that the teachers were planning a surprise for us and that we could, in turn, surprise the teachers if we were outside!"

"She told me to stay away from the cabinet!"

"Canary hugged me when I felt scared earlier!"

"Me too!"

"Yeah! Canary was awesome! She's so cool and strong! she lifted me up when the staircase fell through!"

"Canary got burns cause she was the last one to come up cause she made everyone else fo first!"

"When I got scared Canary let me go after Selah and I accidently kicked the staircase but Canary didn't blame me!"

"Um! Canary didn't get angry, cause she's nice!"

Somehow y'all answers are very incorrect and unlike me…

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