Kiss me in the Rain (and warm me up)

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(P.S. (for anyone who doesn't know) In old movies like Sleeping Beauty the credits played at the beginning!)


Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Heterosexual refers to somebody who is attracted, sexually and/or romantically, to the opposite sex. Also commonly referred to as 'the straights', 'default settings', 'monochrome shit faces', 'yin yang bitches', and many, many, more.

Homosexual, on the other hand, refers to somebody who is attracted, sexually and/or romantically to the same sex. 'Homosexual' is very commonly used as an umbrella term for anybody who is not still on 'default settings'.


"I'm going to kiss you now."

Dream's been working far too much and George forcibly pulls him away from it to watch a Disney movie. They go to McDonald's and kiss in the rain.


He's not entirely sure how they got here.

That's actually a lie. He knows exactly how they got there and he's really fucking glad they did.

Since George had moved in with them, they had gone out together more often. Usually hiding their faces to prevent Dream from accidentally doing a face reveal if a fan recognizes either George or Sapnap. Normally, it was all three of them, but that differed depending on whether or not one of them was busy.

Today, tonight rather, they hadn't planned on going out. It was supposed to be a stay-in night. Get some editing done, relax, maybe stream just for the hell of it. What wasn't supposed to happen was this.

Sapnap was gone visiting Karl, leaving just Dream and George at home. Dream was editing one of George's videos, as per usual, while said man was sleeping. Or, Dream thought he was sleeping. He was proved wrong when George came knocking on his door, effectively scaring him shitless.

"Dream?" He cracked the door open without waiting for a response. The light from the hallway illuminated his room, the only light having been the light from his computer screen. He pulled his headphones around his neck and spun his chair around to face George.

"Hey George," his door was opened further, the light seeping in blinded him for a moment, "I thought you were sleeping?"

"Well I'm not." George said. He woke up about an hour ago and sat in the living room scrolling through twitter.

"I can see that," Dream rolled his eyes and fought back the smile creeping onto his face, "What's up?"

"The ceiling."

"Screw you," Dream chuckled and took a sip of water. He hadn't realized how dry his mouth had become since he had started editing. It must've been at least a couple hours since he started. He really needed to get this video finished, though.

"How long have you been working?"

"I'm not sure, maybe like two hours?"

"Idiot," George scoffed, turning the light on, rendering Dream's eyes completely useless, "We should watch a movie."

Dream groaned and rubbed his eyes, completely removing his headphones to turn his full attention onto George. "I have to finish this video, George."

"It can wait."

DSMP Pride Month 2022Where stories live. Discover now