Warm Reassurance

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Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride<3



A cisgender person is somebody who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth

A transgender person is somebody who does not identify with their birth gender.
Transgender is an umbrella term, it can be used to describe anybody who does not associate themselves with their birth gender including, but not limited to: Trans masc, trans femme, non-binary, agender, genderfluid, bigender, pangender, any many more.

(Your gender assigned at birth (birth gender) is relative to your chromosomes and genitals. There are numerous sexes beyond female (XX chromosomes) and male (XY chromosomes). There are four other common biological sexes based on X and Y chromosomes, (X, XXY, XYY, and XXXY)
(AFAB- Assigned Female At Birth and AMAB- Assigned Male At Birth or both terms commonly used by the trans community to refer to their birth sex.)
Your gender is not at all related to your sex assigned at birth. Much like sexuality and every other part of your personality, gender is fluid and can change. There are countless genders somebody could identify themselves as, it really just depends on how you feel. (Gender is not relative to appearance or pronouns! A woman can go by he/him and still call himself a woman. A man can dress femininely and still be a man. Your perspective of a person does not change them. Respect people's pronouns and gender!))


"No, don't cry, I hate it when you cry."

Sapnap comes out to his parents and gets kicked out. He goes to the only place he can think of and breaks down with his best friends Dream and George comforting him.
All three of them end up at least almost crying in a cuddle pile.


Every day, when he gets home from school, Sapnap immediately goes to his room to change.

This isn't necessarily to be more comfortable, actually, it makes him much less comfortable, but it's to hide his binder. He goes to Dream's house every morning, telling his parents it's because Dream's house is within walking distance and they drive to school together. Technically, that's true. But it's also a convenient place to put on his binder and makeup.

School starts at 7:30, but he leaves for Dreams at 6:30 every morning. There, Sapnap changes into his binder and Dream helps him put on a bit of makeup to make his face and jaw look a bit sharper. Purple eyeshadow under his eyes to darken his eyebags and a little brown eyeshadow to darken his natural creases. Sometimes, a little bit of black eyeshadow under the chin. A subtle change that gives the illusion of peach fuzz.

Dream, having two sisters who he often helped with makeup and hair, was pretty good at it, successfully ridding Sapnap of his dysphoria, even if for just a few hours. This routine, while working, did completely screw up their schedules. Sapnap felt bad for making Dream wake up so early just to help him and get ready on time, but Dream was the one who suggested it.

When Sapnap found out he was transgender in 8th grade, Dream was the first person he came out to. The person he trusted most, his best friend since childhood. He was immediately offered full support. George was the next person he came out to, with Dream holding his sweaty hand. George accepted him, of course he did, and Sapnap cried in his best friend's arms.

For his 15th birthday, Dream got him a binder and George sprayed ax body spray in his face as a joke. He ended up keeping it. That day was the same day Dream did his makeup for the first time. He had to try not to cry, ultimately failing and smearing the eyeshadow a little bit. Then Dream said he could do it everyday and he cried harder.

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