'Unrepresented Buddies'

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Also- my clarity for this is apparently really bad- according to Grammarly- so please excuse that, lmao.

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Toric is a term for non-binary individuals who are attracted to men and male/masculine-aligned individuals.


"Yeah, I know, I'm awesome." Tommy grinned, holding the chair from spinning anymore so they could face Tubbo completely.

"No!" Tubbo said, oblivious to the way Tommy's face fell at his bluntness, if he did see it, he probably would've laughed, "I mean- I'm toric."

Tubbo and Tommy bond over the fact that they're both non-binary and have extremely underrepresented sexualities.


Tommy and Tubbo have sleepovers pretty often. They always have, ever since they were little. Going into high school didn't change that, and both of them coming out as non-binary didn't change that either. Both of them discovering their gender identity at around the same time no doubt helped them grow closer. It was just one more thing they have in common.

Tonight is a Friday night, so, as they do more often than not, they were having a sleepover at Tommy's house. Dream, Tubbo's older brother, dropped him off only an hour after school ended, no doubt excited to have the house to himself. When Tubbo goes over to Tommy's and Puffy's out of town Dream invites over his own friends.

They were hanging out in Tommy's room, Tubbo sprawled out on their bed and Tommy spinning in their desk chair. They weren't doing much, though they never really did. They talked about whatever came to mind, which was usually random bullshit that rarely made any sense.

Currently, they were talking about their identity. Everything under the category, including struggles, support, dysphoria, etc. As they spoke they realized just how much they had in common relating to their gender identity and expression. "Dude, we're like- non-binary bros."

Tommy let out a choked laugh, "Well, that's kinda contradictory, innit?" They stopped spinning, holding themself still facing their desk and playing with a bright figurine sitting on it.

"Yeah, you're right," Tubbo agreed, "we're... non-binary fellas."

"I think that's more masculine..." Tommy reasoned. They turned slightly in their chair so they were facing Tubbo, who was still slumped on their bed. They continued mindlessly fidgeting with the figure, it's one they're not sure where they got. Probably one of Wilbur's or maybe Techno's that they either were gifted or stole.

Tubbo hummed, "Okay, how about," he paused and thought for a moment longer, "non-binary beings." He rolled onto his side, so he could face Tommy, but refused to move anymore than that.

Tommy sputtered for a moment, taken aback by what Tubbo said. "BEANS- DI- DID YOU JUST SAY BEANS?" Tubbo's face twisted in annoyance and confusion as Tommy yelled, their voice cracking, "nON-BINARY FUCKING BEANS?"

"NO- No. I said BEINGS" Tubbo insisted, despite Tommy waving him off- somehow, very loudly- not believing him, "NOT BEANS YOU FUCKING MORON!"

"IT SOUNDED LIKE YOU SAID BEANS." Tommy raised their voice even more than it already was, practically screaming at Tubbo as they slammed the figure on their desk. They were leaning forward in their chair, for some reason, incredibly enamored in their current argument, despite how meaningless it may be.

Tubbo held himself up with his hands, raising his voice to match Tommy's. "wELL I DIDN'T."

They stared at each other for a solid twenty seconds, both leaning forward in an almost threatening way, slowly squinting their eyes with such intent they'd get a headache from it. Tommy's hand was still clutching the figure, now planted on the desk, their eyes started to water and Tubbo's arm was shaking slightly from the awkward and sudden weight on it.

"Anyways-" Tubbo said casually, relaxing completely and flopping back down on the mattress.

Tommy laughed, a startled laugh, very loud, though that's not too unusual. "Yeah." They picked up the figure again and continued spinning.

"Wait- so, wait-" Tubbo rested his hands on his stomach, the right over the left, as he stared at the ceiling and fought tooth and nail with his brain for the right phrasing. It looked like it was physically draining and Tommy could pretty much see the swirling in his eyes, to a comical extent.

Tommy rolled their eyes so far in the back of their head Tubbo thought they might lose them. "Oh my God, wait what?!" They let the spinning slow down, no longer applying any more force to continue accelerating.

"Shut up!" Tubbo groaned, tossing a pillow over to Tommy with one hand, not making any real attempt to hit them, "Do you still only like girls?"

Tommy caught the pillow, the figure, which they never really even paid much attention to, lay forgotten on the desk and they were still slowly spinning. "Yeahhh, trixic." They tossed the pillow back to Tubbo.

Tubbo let out a tiny gasp, sitting up quickly and catching the pillow in his own arms, clutching it tightly. "YOOOO!" He shouted, virtually lighting up.

"Yeah, I know, I'm awesome." Tommy grinned, holding the chair from spinning anymore so they could face Tubbo completely.

"No!" Tubbo said, oblivious to the way Tommy's face fell at his bluntness, if he did see it, he probably would've laughed, "I mean- I'm toric."

"Ohhhh." Tommy said half understanding what Tubbo meant, "YOOOOOO!" When it clicked, they shouted with the same energy as Tubbo had moments before.

Tubbo laughed, "Haha, yeah!"

"We're like- the unrepresented buddies."

"Unrepresented pals." Tubbo quipped.

Tommy snorted, "Where were these options when you called us non-binary beans?" They asked in a mocking manner.

"I SAID BEINGS." Tubbo shouted, bringing them back to the same argument they were in before. To be fair though, Tommy was the one who brought it up again. Still, an argument is a two-sided discussion.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU AND THEREFORE, YOU ARE A LIAR." Tommy said in a very matter-of-fact tone.

Tubbo made a dramatized face of disbelief. "I'M LITERALLY NOT LYING THOUGH?"

"YOU ARE. I SAID YOU'RE LYING." Tommy crossed their arms over their chest, falling back in their chair like they didn't just raise their voice to astronomical levels.


It was Tommy's turn to gape now, "PARDON? WHAT DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY TO ME-??" Tommy leaned forward in their chair again, holding onto the arms to stabilize themself as they yelled.

"I CAN'T DO THIS." Tubbo threw his hands up and plopped back down, falling back into the mattress.

Tommy scoffed, "WELL YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO."

"I'm calling Dream to pick me up." Tubbo sat up again, picking up his phone and typing something in. 

Tommy made a sound somewhat akin to offense and scoffed, a little more dramatically this time. "What- y'know what? FINE!"



When he did call Dream, Dream laughed and said he couldn't pick him up because he was hanging out with Sapnap. Then Tubbo told Tommy and with Dream still on call, they both made fun of him and Sapnap. Something about them having sex and that's why he can't pick Tubbo up.

Dream hung up on them and they continued their sleepover like normal.



Feminamoric means attraction to women, whether it be exclusively or primarily.

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