Cartoon Crushes

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Any mentions of drugs are jokes!

Following this statement in the notes is the term and definition for sexuality or gender. There will also be one in the end notes. I will do this for every pride fanfiction this month.
Check it out, maybe you'll learn something new!
Happy Pride <3



Polyamorous means having open romantic and/or sexual relationships with more than one person at a time. This can be a three-way relationship, in which all three people are dating each other, but it could also be one person who is dating two separate people at once.
(So long as you speak with your partners and everybody is comfortable with it, it can be considered polyamorous, otherwise, that's just cheating.)
Somebody who is polyamorous can be heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or whatever else. Being polyamorous does not affect your sexuality beyond being attracted to or in a relationship with numerous people.


"Your skin is a delicacy, you need to take care of it."

Karl drags his two boyfriends along into a night of self-care. They watch cartoons and eat popcorn while painting nails.
In short, they're all in love.


Karl came rushing into the room, slamming the door open and effectively startling the other two boys in the room. Quackity's soul appeared to have left his body, and while Sapnap didn't have quite the same reaction, he had certainly jumped a bit more than he'd like to admit.

"Guys! Guys!" Karl hopped from foot to foot in excitement, shaking the small box in his hands. "Guess what?!"

"You got a box?" Sapnap asked, eyeing the package with suspicion.

"No! Well yes- but guess what's in the box!" He walked in, settling on the edge of the bed.

Quackity sat up from his position laying down and swung his legs over the side of the bed, sitting next to Karl. "Is it drugs?"

"Ah nice man! I've been craving a good high-" Sapnap plopped down on the other side of Karl, making them all bounce up slightly.

"It's not drugs," Karl laughed, grabbing the scissors from the desk, "It's nail polish!"

He cut the tape and lifted the flaps, returning the scissors to the spot he grabbed them from. The box contained twelve nail polish colors, six neon and the other six soft pastels. Sapnap and Quackity both leaned over to get a better look, nearly bumping heads. Tucked into the side of the box was a small piece of paper, advertisement for other collections. Karl bounced his leg and pulled them out, looking at them one by one and replacing them.

Standing up, he set the box in the spot he was just sitting in and walked over to their shared closet. Quackity and Sapnap turned to each other before turning back to Karl, who was currently rummaging through the space above their clothing racks. They mostly store spare sheets and blankets up there, but sometimes they, specifically Karl, being able to reach it the easiest, will hide presents or snacks.

"Ok- so I got this a little bit ago," Karl struggled to pull down another package, a similar size to the box the nail polish sat in, and stuffed the while comforter spilling over the edge messily back into its spot, "But I was waiting for the nail polish to come."

"Well... what is it?" Sapnap eyed him suspiciously as Karl returned to his spot. He placed the box of nail polish on his lap so Karl could sit back down without having to carry both boxes.

He sat the same way he did with the other box, this one already being open. He held the flaps down to showcase the contents of the small box. It had a few different sized containers, two tubes, one large and one small, a medium sized jar, what looked to be in a container reminiscent of a bottle of eye drops, a bottle, and a few plastic packages underneath it all.

DSMP Pride Month 2022Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz